Chapter 1.

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It was another end to a seemingly useless apocalypse day and all I could think about was what life was like before. Before everything went to hell. When I had a family and wasn't forced to face this horrific event by myself.
Although a part of me, deep down inside, actually enjoys it all in a sick way. The adrenaline from killing a zombie is like a drug to me. It's the closest thing I've felt in years even remotely close to satisfaction. It's satisfying to know that every time I kill one of those damn Z's it's one less burden taking up space on this god forsaken planet.
Over time I some how learned to love living alone and wouldn't trade it for any group that I happened by. I've only been in a couple groups but it was too much for me to have to worry about other lives. It's much easier only having to worry about yourself in times like these. Yet also another part of me is sad, lonely even. I watched my family die right in front of me only a year after it all started. It was horrifying and it haunts me to this day.
Lucky enough for me I managed to stumble across a remote town with little to no zombies. I honestly don't even know what state I'm in. I stopped worrying about where I was heading and just went with what felt right. That's when I ended up here, this empty town, this house. It's quite calming actually, whoever owned the house before all hell broke loose had similar tastes to what I have.
The house is filled with Victorian furniture and has a beautiful
piano. Of course everything is a bit run down, but it's the closet thing to a paradise I can get. The piano is still in working condition and there is an old grocery store about a mile down the road. I have everything I need and I can play the piano without having to worry about any Z's. Although I do find it strange that there aren't any around these parts. I wonder where they are all headed... Probably toward the cities I would assume.
After contemplating this all in my head I sit down on the beautiful but worn couch in the living room and stare at the piano deciding whether to get some sleep or play on it a bit. I begin to dose off when I unexpectedly hear a noise coming from outside. I get onto the floor and crawl towards the window with my hand on the machete attached to my belt.
It's dark outside but I manage to see a figure outside kicking around an old soda can. I look more closely and see a boy around my age caring a rifle. He looks at the house I'm currently staying in, he doesn't see me but it looks like he's considering coming inside. I panic and my thoughts begin to scatter. I haven't seen a Z in months let along a person!
I try to calm myself as he makes his way on to the porch. I back away from the window and get a few feet behind the door and pull out my machete. He opens the door and I point my machete at him and try to look as confident as possible. He seems startled and jumps back. "Woah! I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was staying here. The town seemed pretty barren and haven't seen any Z's for miles. I thought this would be a good place to crash for awhile. I promise I mean no harm." A small smirk forms across his face and I lower my weapon.
Now that I've seen him up close I've managed to get a better look at him. He's extremely attractive and I begin to feel chills go up my body. I haven't seen an attractive boy in such a long time and it's even more of a shock that he's here standing right in front of me.
"How do I know I can trust you?" I ask with suspicion but inside all I can think about is how attracted I am to this boy. "Well I could have easily killed you even before you lowered your weapon. I am carrying a rifle around if you haven't noticed." He says seeming slightly amused.
"Hmm I guess that it's just I haven't seen a lot of people in a long time. I've been on my own for quite some time." I sigh and make my way back to the couch and sit down and stare into the dark room. He sits down beside me, a little close too... He sets his rifle on the small side table next to the couch.
"I can relate, I've been in a few groups but I prefer being on my own. Maybe I just haven't found the right people or person I want to fight through this horrid time with yet" He says as he leans back into the couch and stretches his arms.
I find myself starring towards the bottom of his chest wear his shirt lifted up. I can faintly see his defined chest and my imagination takes over. I snap myself out of it and focus. "I feel like you suggested something when you said 'person' am I right?" I look to him with a slight curiosity.
He laughs "Well don't get too excited, we've only just met hun. I don't even know your name"
"It's Midna" I answer shyly. He gets up and kneels on one knee facing me and holds out his hand. "Nice to meet you Midna, you have such an enchanting name." I giggle and shake his hand. "What's your name?" I ask trying not to look as curious as I currently feel.
"My name is 10,000 but folks call me 10k." At first I'm confused why a parent would name their child a number but realized it's probably just the name he calls himself and I decide to inquire further.
"What does 10k stand for exactly?" I ask with a smirk. He smiles back at me. "It's how many zombies I'm going to kill." My eyes widen in surprise. "How many have you killed so far?" "Exactly three thousand and fifty-three." My mouth drops and I find myself starring at him in shock. "Holy cow that's a lot of Z's. I have a serious respect for you 10k" I smile at him and stare into his eyes. "Why thank you Midna" he smiles and winks at me. I find myself blushing.
"What's your real name 10k?" I ask him. "Hold your horses darling, don't expect me to be spilling all of my secrets to you so soon." He smiles and inches closer to me on the couch. I feel a warmth travel up through my body. "How long do you plan on staying here, because I welcome you with open arms here." He lays back and contemplates my question. "Well I don't really have a plan so I guess I'll just stick around here for awhile." I smile and maybe a bit too enthusiastically.
"Well even though I find the interior of this house to be gorgeous I don't want to stay here forever. What do you say to us traveling together?" I raise my eyebrows and wait for an answer. An expression of satisfaction forms across his face. "I'd be honored to, but if you don't mind I'd like to stay here for a few days before we head out on the road. It's rare to find a town with no Z's and I'd like to embrace that for a few days if you don't mind" "Of course not, when ever you're ready to head out we can."
He moves closer to me filling in the gap completely between us. I feel this strong connection between us and I'm speechless. I sit there and watch him bring himself closer to me. He whispers in my ear. "Would it be out of line to say that I'm extremely attracted to you?.." He slowly moves his head away and waits for a response. We are still very close and my heart starts to beat faster. I manage to give him a faint response. "Not at all.." He gives me a naughty smile and I begin to feel an ache between my legs.
He brings his face close to mine and our lips our centimeters apart. He finally gently presses his lips against mine. He pulls away and looks at me for a moment before kissing me again. This time more fiercely, like he can't get enough and he's hungry for more. I wrap my arm around his body and pull him closer to me. He runs a hand through my hair and kisses me even more intensely. He gets on top of me and I feel his body press against mine. I can feel his erection jabbing through his pants begging to come out and my body trembles with want. I begin to moan a bit as he kisses me and that seems to only make him harder.
He begins to grind on me and I run my hand down his back. I moan again this time slightly louder. Suddenly he pulls away and stares at me as he catches his breath. I stare back at him as I attempt to catch mine as well. "I'm so sorry. We've only just met and then all of a sudden I'm throwing myself at you. Honestly I couldn't help it" he bites his lip. "You shouldn't be apologizing, I wanted it to happen the moment you walked in that door. I agree that we should probably take things slow though. Maybe we are rushing things a bit"
That was the entire opposite of what I wanted. All I could think about is what he looks like with no clothes on... His body against mine... I had to be strong though, I can't let myself fall for him until I'm sure this is what is best. I need to get to know him better first. "Okay, well maybe we should try to get some sleep. Is there a room I can sleep in or what kind of arrangement do you want?" He asks. The room I sleep in has a king size bed and I consider letting him sleep with me. It gets cold in the night and if I'm going to try to get some better self control this is the perfect way to do it. "You can sleep with me, the bed I sleep in is a king and it gets cold." A see a dirty glint in his eyes as he stands up. "Whatever you say Midna" he says teasingly. I laugh and shake my head. I stand up and lead him upstairs to the room I sleep in. I slip my shoes off and begin to slip my pants off then pull my shirt of leaving me in a tank top and panties. I purposely meant to tease him and when I turn to look at him and find him starring at me with another erection I know I achieved my goal.. I smile and lift the covers and get into the bed.
"The bed is clean so feel free to take some of your clothes of too. Don't get any ideas though" I say teasingly. I watch him as he starts by taking his shoes off and slowly pulls his pants off. He looks up at me when he's only in his boxers and a shirt as if to see my reaction. I can't help it, I smile. He smiles back as if he achieved a little goal for himself as well. Next he pulls his shirt off. My want for him almost instantly takes over as my eyes hungrily scan his muscular chest. The ache I had before between my legs grows stronger and my mind fills with dirty images. I shake them out of my head and try to calm down.
I lift the covers up and watch as he crawls into the bed. His boner is even more visible than before..I try to calm myself and not give into the temptation. He cuddles against me and I can feel him in between my legs. At first I think I can't handle it and that the urge will take over but I eventually calm down. He seems to calm down as well and I get warm and cozy with him against me. He wraps his arm around me and I smile.
Out of all the days I spent alone I never thought I would have this feeling. This strange feeling, that I never want to be alone again. Even though I just met him he makes me feel safe, even if it's not love it's something. Love is a hard thing to come by and even harder during times like these. I won't deny that there is some sort of connection here, I won't at all. It's just a bit strange to me. After getting used to being alone for a very long time you begin to enjoy it. Well at least I did, but this is better. Better than every single moment I spent alone.
Eventually I manage to clear my head and fall asleep.
I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and will support me in the challenge of making this fanfiction. As you can already tell this story won't be following the plot of the Z nation series. Basically the story will mainly revolve around Midna and 10k. Anyways I hope you all give me some feedback and continue to read my story as I update. Thanks ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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