(Above - Harper) Chapter Five

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This chapter is dedicated to ANOTHER awesome friends of mine... Evelyn!

15 years ago...
Rumplestiltskin sat down on a stool in the middle of his huge bedroom. Sadie was such a beautiful child. He vowed that he would let nothing happen to her, not ever, ever, ever. Of course, he had hurt a very nice, newly married woman and taken one of her babies, but at least she still had Ethan. But of course, he had saved her life a few years back. And now he had his very own beautiful child in his arms. He rocked her back and forth and she looked up at him with her big, beautiful eyes. She was completely mesmerized by him as he rocked her back and forth and smiled down at her. He already loved her, and he couldn't bring himself to put her back in her bassinet. He just loved to hold her.


Present Day...
I woke up to someone pulling on my arm. There was screaming in the background, and I was very confused. I kept hearing people saying Sadie's name, screaming it, and crying. Tomas came into view and pulled me into a sitting position. I focused and saw Mom sitting on the bed with Julie, who was sobbing. I heard Harper in the hallway screaming and crying, and talking to Dane a few doors down. "What? Oh my God!" I heard Dane cry out, and then he ran down the hallway, with Harper's light footsteps behind him. "No!" Harper wailed in the hallway.

"Tomas..." I began, looking around. "We all just found out that Sadie left your house really early this morning to do God knows what. She was crossing the road and a car was driving without it's headlights on. There was no time for her to get out of the way, it just... hit her. Someone who was driving when she got hit said she walked in front ofh the e car like a robot. Ethan, Sadie's dead." I looked at Tomas and saw silent tears streaming down his rosy cheeks. Dane came into the room in a flurry of frantic craziness. I sank to the ground and pounded it with my fists in a sudden anger. "No!" I screamed. "No! She's not dead!" Tomas threw his hands in the air and cried out in agony. Harper came in and laid down in the corner and screamed/cried. I was punching the ground, Tomas sitting on my bed staring at the wall, and Dane was doing God knows what in the living room. I put my head between my knees and felt my stomach do ten back flips as the realization set in. Sadie was dead. And there was no bringing her back.

Her beautiful red hair, her hilarious jokes, her freckles, her flexibility, how she furrowed her eyebrows all the time, how she would swing her leg over the railing at the fire escape, how she would tilt her head to the sky when she laughed, everything about her that I loved. Gone. Vanished into thin air. I remembered how she wouldn't stop talking even when Tomas picked her up, how she would dangerously walk up and down the railing at the fire escape, how she gave me that super awkward hug before she went to bed, how we watched The Simpsons and talked till late at night, how now she's dead.
I rocked back and forth and realized I was screaming nonsensical things. I decided that I was reacting as expected. I half hoped it was some sort of sick joke, that everyone would stop acting and Sadie would jump out of the closet and laugh her beautiful laugh that I was now yearning to hear. I wanted so badly to hear her laugh. To go to the fire escape and see her perched on the railing, waiting to smile and tell me it was all a horrible, mean joke.

Tears streamed down my cheeks and Dane came in, his fists clenched and his teeth gritted. He seemed like every bone in his body was tensed up. "She's not DEAD!" He screamed at Tomas, who he attacked. He kept punching Tomas in the face and stomach. Julie and Harper screamed, and I dove at them in my rage and shock. Dane looked up at me with a wild look in his eyes and I did the thing I needed to do that that very minute.

I socked him in the nose.

He fell back on the bed, and came back at me in a second. Dane pinned my shoulders on the wall and punched me with all his weight. Julie screamed and Mom started to cry. "Dane," I choked. He punched me in the chin and my head smacked into the wall behind me. Pain exploded in my whole face. I couldn't see, but I was able to knee him in the stomach anyway. "Stop it!" Harper screamed. "Stop it stop it stop it!" She wiped her nose. "Sadie just got run over by a freakin' car, and you guys are going to duke it out in front of Ethan's little sister? I'm outta here." She threw her hands in the air and left the room. We heard her sobbing all the way down the hallway. Dane shoved me against the wall one more time, then left. Tomas was sitting on the floor, staring at his shoes. Julie and mom were sitting on Julie's bed, crying quietly. Mom seemed more upset than she should have been, since she didn't even know who Sadie was. "I'm gonna take a walk." I said monotonously. I walked out stiffly and with my head down. My whole face was throbbing, but the pain was good. I needed it. I just tried to place one foot in front of the other, so I could get somewhere. But I broke down in the hallway. I started punching doors and walls, screaming Sadie's name with each punch. "Oh my God!" I wailed as I pounded door 30B over and over with my fists. Someone a few doors down came out, but when she saw me she closed and locked the door immediately.

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