Chapter 10: Hotel

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Idris cursed softly, Ali's body dragging her down. "Come on," she said to herself, stopping for a second to catch her breath. She leaned against the wall, glancing at Ali next to her. "It wouldn't kill you to wake up," she groaned, starting to drag him again.

Ali said nothing, still sweating under the pain of the curse. Idris continued to carry his limp body, his feet stumbling on the cobbles on the street. Soon, Idris could feel droplets of sweat sliding down her eyes and blurring her vision. "Come on," Idris groaned, her words a curse towards Ali and an encouragement to herself. Idris smiled tiredly when she saw the hotel slip into view. She exhaled loudly, feeling her strength start to leave her.

Idris dried her forehead with her sleeve, and stepped closer to the door. "Ali...we're here..."she said, her voice breathy and barely audible. Idris stopped to readjust Ali on her shoulder before stepping inside.

She eyed a small couch near a window, and almost throw Ali on it. The weight on her shoulder diminished instantly. Idris massaged her sore shoulder. She tsked. "I'll make you pay for this,"she said, quietly making sure Ali wasn't in pain.

Idris turned around and walked to the owner who was sitting down on a large, richly decorated couch that covered most of the back wall. He had a table in front of him, and a fuming cigar held in between his chubby fingers. Idris got closer to the chair opposite him, and hooking her foot around the chair's leg, pulled it back. Idris plopped down on it, clicking her neck.

The owner glanced at her, covered in sweat and the barely alive Ali on the couch. He smoked the cigar slowly, trying to determine if these two were a threat or not. "A room. Please." Idris said, a short pause between the two sentences. She was too tired to be polite, but tried to, at least.

" you have money to pay...said room?" The owner asked, tapping the end of the cigar. The ashes slowly wafted down to Idris' hand, scorching her skin for a second. Idris didn't blink, not even moving her hand.

"The Seller will pay for us. If you do not trust me, go ask him now." Idris said, her voice stable, even though her eyes were on fire.

The owner glanced at her, trying to see if she was lying or not. He inhaled another puff of smoke. "I'll ask him tomorrow." Idris nodded, her shoulders relaxing. "But," her shoulders tightened. "I'll have to lock you up for the night so you don't escape. I'll go to the Seller very early tomorrow. So do not worry. It will be only for one night."

Idris was starting to protest, already pulling out a glimmering knife, but Ali moved, a pained groan coming out of his mouth. Idris inhaled, knowing he needed to rest immediately. She slipped the knife back inside her pocket. "Fine." Idris snapped.

The owner smiled slyly, slowly taking another puff from the cigar. He held the smoke in his mouth, some of it escaping. His eyes were dark. He blew the smoke in Idris' face. When the smoke dissipated, Idris was holding a room key in her hand. It was heavy, and black. The owner was gone.

Idris scoffed, standing up. She would not fall for such cheap tricks. Idris knew there was a hidden door behind him, since she could see smoke slipping out from the edges of the door. She gripped the key in her hand, walking to Ali. "Come on, we have a room." Ali opened his eyes for a second before closing them again.

Idris clicked her neck, closing her eyes and inhaling some air. She glanced at the key, noting with despair that the room was on the second floor. Idris slipped Ali's arm around her shoulders and started to drag him upstairs, almost slipping on the wooden stairs.

Sweat started to soak her clothes again, and she had to take various breaks during the trip, almost tumbling to the floor, exhausted. Finally, after almost thirty minutes of labored breaths and beads of sweat, Idris and Ali reached their room.

Idris slipped the key in the lock, momentarily loosing control of Ali. He started to fall to the ground, but Idris caught him before he could. "Would you please not give yourself a concussion?" She hissed, wrapping her hand around his waist.

The door was pushed open, and Idris slipped inside. The door closed behind her, and Idris clearly heard the sound of the lock turning from outside. They were locked inside.

Idris shook her head and raised her head, observing the room. It was pretty large, and had one bed in the center of the room, as well as a window on the opposite side of the room. The village glimmered in the darkness.

Idris swallowed, before dragging Ali to the bed. She dropped him on it. He groaned softly but soon calmed down, clearly more comfortable. Idris took off his shoes roughly, before kicking hers off as well. She dropped on the bed next to Ali, too tired to care.

Idris soon started sleeping, not realizing someone was outside their window.


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