Writing Contest

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Everyone goes through something scary in life; rather you are graduating, getting into a new relationship, or starting a new job. It's scary. It gives you fear and panic that you might mess it up. For me, I am engaged and I am getting ready to move my relationship up to the next level and it is the most scariest thing that I have experienced. Panic will make you question yourself. Am I good enough? Does he truly love me? What if I mess it up? Panic and fear will do that. It gives you self doubt and fear. You feel like you are thousands of feet up and can't find your way down. Panic. I have learned that no matter what I do that I should be proud of myself. I should push the panic and fear away, so that I can live life to the fullest.

You only live once, so why have constant fear and panic over something that you can't controll?

Panic is a self-enemy that tries to drag you down and wrap its claws around you. Why should we ne miseable and let the fear win?

We all deserve so much in this world.

Failure. Fear. Panic. It's just a lie trying to take your life away. If you are graduating, stand tall and proud! If you got a new job, then show off your hard work. If you got into a new relationship, be happy.

Because life can be hard sometimes. It will always be constant panic and hste towards you.

Be brave. Be proud. Be happy.

Life is beautiful. Don't miss out on your dreams and happiness.

We will stand tall and proud. We won't let panic bring us down.

I will be graduating college in December and I know that all my hard work helped me. Life can be hard and it will bring so much towards you that you might feel like you can handle. I feel like that at times. But it doesn't help us. Panic doesn't make anything better, but worse.

Panic will always bring you challeges in life. In the movie Panic, It talks about graduating seniors compete in a series of challenges, which they believe is their only chance to escape their circumstances and make their lives better.

We should go through our challenges in life and escape the panic, so our lives can be better. 

Panic stops you from doing what you want. You can't let that control your life.

Be brave. Be strong. Take control.

Life will give you rollercoaster. But all you have to do is let go and it will take you where you need to.

Panic. Fear. Don't let it defeat who you are as a person, but let it help you grow and learn. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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