the life of a fucked up teenager

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"give me some now I'm not kidding. common Molly don't hog it" Carrie spoke in a quite yet stern voice. I passed the joint to her wished her luck and lay my head against the cool grass. looked up and stared into the blue fuzz with white above me some people call it the sky. being high I call it a movie.

this was Carries first time smoking up And as I stared up to the movie I prayed in my head that she wouldn't go crazy because I honestly can't be bothered being a babysitter. the only reason she came with is because her mum is staying with her sister for the holidays. who is my mum. so guess what I'm suck with Carrie great.

me and Carrie used to be close when we were smaller but we grew apart when I grew into well I will put it as my aunt says a "s

bad ass" or "troubled child" and for some reason she left me with her goodie two shoes daughter who I don't know how but managed to tag along for my morning fix. and to my horror joined in? maybe she has changed. either way I'm not bothered because I am distracted by the complete babe walking into the park.

I sat half up. pulled my Sunnies down alittle to get a clear look and flashed my most flirtashious smile at him as he glanced over. his gorgeous glossy black hair that came down his forhead and stoped just after his eyebrows careful not to cover his bright glistening blue eyes. his lips were so perfect that made me swear they were carved by angles like the rest of his features. he capsured me with his gase. made me turn into complete jelly.

tell me if I should write more 5 votes and ill write more

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