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Kaia P.O.V

I woke up in my crib and sat up and started to babble until mommy came and got me

Not even seconds later mommy comes into the room and picks me up

Billie: hii bubba did you sleep good

Kaia: sleep

I said and pointed towards the bed and mommy kissed my head

Billie: let's change your diaper and get some yummy breakfast

Mommy set me down on the changing table and let hold the wipes while she changed me

After a couple minutes I got bored and started to whine

Billie: hold on mommy's almost done

Kaia: mommy up pwease

Billie: okay all down come here bub

Mommy picked me up and we went downstairs into the kitchen

Billie: okay I'm gonna make pancakes because I know you love them

I babbled something at her and mommy put me in my highchair

Wait I don't wanna be In here

I wanna be in mommy's arms

So I started crying

Billie: shhhhh your okay love

Mommy said and gave me my binky and I stopped crying

After I was satisfied mommy went back to cooking

Once mommy was done cooking she put tiny pancakes in front of me

I looked at them then looked at mommy and started crying

Billie: what's wrong love look at these yummy pancakes

I kept crying and mommy sighed and ate her food

Billie: bubba you gotta eat something

Kaia: no me want Boobie

Billie: you can have boobie once you eat some of your pancakes

At this point I was about to throw a tantrum

So that's exactly what I did and pushed the small pancakes off my highchair

Mommy picked me up walked into the livingroom and pulled her shirt,bra down

I happily latched on and held onto mommy's boob tightly to make sure it didn't go anywhere

Billie's P.O.V

After kaia threw her tantrum I caved in and let her breastfeed

I don't know what do anymore I tried and tired to get kaia to eat real food

But she has a tantrum everytime and I let her breastfeed in the end

My phone started ringing

It was my friend zoe trying to facetime me

I answer and made the sure the camera didn't show kaia feeding

Zoe: heyyy bils how are you

Billie: I'm good how are you

Zoe: I'm great I'm doing a little photoshoot with kayla right now

Billie: really let me see

Zoe turned the camera and I instantly awed at kayla in the sink with lemons around her

Zoe turned the camera and I instantly awed at kayla in the sink with lemons around her

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Billie: awee she looks so adorable

Zoe: yeah little miss stinker keeps eating them and making faces

She said laughing and I laughed as well

Billie: hey can you help me with something

Zoe: yeah of course what is it

Billie: well I started breastfeeding kaia and she won't eat any real food now

Zoe: oh that happened with delilah when she was one but I found something that made her eat real food

Billie: really what is it

Zoe: I made her sticker chart and gave her prizes everytime she ate her food

Billie: that sounds like a good idea

Zoe: yeah maybe you can try that with kaia and see if it works

Billie: I'll try that thanks zoe but I have to go and put kaia down for a nap now

I say looking at kaia who was asleep stil latched onto my nipel

Billie: my baby

I say and kissed kaias head and unlatched her and quickly put a pacifier in then put kaia down for a nap

After I put her down for a nap I made the sticker chart and a basket full of toys and treats

Billie: hopefully this will work

Billie: hopefully this will work

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a/n here's a little face reveal 😭✋

Also happy pride month loves 🏳️‍🌈

Leave request if you have any

Words 644

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