Part 1

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"Come on Coral wake up please!" I heard a cry in the darkness. I wondered the dark remembering the past.

-5 Year old Coral-

"Come on Coral it's your first day of school!" I sniffled. "Don't wanna. Daddy!" I cried. She sighed, "Daddy is away on a business trip you know that. Let's call him though okay?" I nodded a little. I was picking at my outfit that mommy put me knowing that daddy would have put me in something better. 

"Baby?" I heard my daddy's voice, "I don't wanna go to school daddy!" he chuckled

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"Baby?" I heard my daddy's voice, "I don't wanna go to school daddy!" he chuckled. "That's my girl." "Otto your not helping plus is Luann going to take her this weekend." I brightened up; "Only if she goes to school." I huffed didn't fight or anything just got quiet. "Okay i'll make sure she goes." I got my backpack and stood by the door. Mom just eyed me carefully as I looked at the floor. "Baby I know school is scary but you will meet some friends." I just nodded. We got into the car as mom helped me into my car seat. I watched out the window at all the kids and cars go by. I just wanted my daddy. We finally got to the school, mommy helped me out and walked me to my class. We got there and my teacher just smiled and welcomed us. "Hey Gemma!" I looked up to see Gemma! "Gem!" I squealed running to her and hugging her leg. She laughed, "Hey Cor how are you?" I Shrugged. "Is Jax here?" Mommy asked as Gemma nodded. The teacher shooed my mommy and Gemma away. 

I sat next to a blonde haired boy as I frowned; "what's wrong?" he asked me. "I just miss my daddy he is always away." he frowned. "I miss mine too. He is always gone too." I tried to hold in my tears. "I'm always going to his wife's house because my mommy was..." I tried to think of the word. "Your mommy hung out with bikers before she had me." He looked at me and smiled. "Your mommy probably knows my mommy." we giggled as class started. We whispered to one another through out the class. As class came to an end we went our separate ways. 


It's been about 13 years since I seen Jax or anyone from the biker club; my mother had moved us to North Carolina because she moved in with her new boyfriend. When Luann called us to tell us that dad was in prison I demanded that we moved back but she refused she was pregnant again with my fourth sibling and I was just rebellious I wanted out of this life with her I wanted my dad. She continued to refuse so I ran away; I ran to Charming California I stole money from my mom packed my things and left. After this trip was over I went straight to the prison; I went in, "Can I help you?" "Yes I am here to see Otto Delaney, I'm his daughter Coral." the prison guard nodded. I paced a little this will be the first time I get to see my father. I was given the go ahead to follow another guard as I did so I started getting more nervous. I was told to sit so I did, I held in my tears as I seen my dad come out; he finally sat down "I missed you my pumpkin." I cried. "I missed you too daddy." I whispered. "So does anyone else know you are here?" "Mom by now but she probably doesn't care, she has other kids she needs to worry about. 

He rolled his eye as I nodded, "I bought your mother a house next to Gemma it remains empty unless some crow eaters have been in there due to Luann." I nodded, "Could you make a call after I leave and have Gemma or someone meet me there." He nodded "I can try but I am not sure." I nodded. "Daddy?" i said softly making him look me in the eyes. "I'm sorry." He looked confused on why I would say sorry. "I'm sorry for the way I acted when I was little i'm sorry for the way I always had to treat mom just to talk to you." I said wiping my eyes. "It's not your fault your mom was a bitch." he said as I laughed, "she still is. Always caring about herself not listening to a damn thing I say all the time. Just because I'm not her husbands child." I mermered. I hate it there I am so alone there." I cried. I felt arms wrap around me as I felt a kiss to my head. "I love you my darling." "I love you too daddy." he laughed at me as I was told it was time to leave. I hugged dad one more time and left. 

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