Among Us Logic: The Last Crewmate (Real)

123 2 10

Here's the actual review. So I heard this was like Star Wars, is that true? Cause someone said Star Wars was rated G, and this scared the living shit out of me. I get GameToons was trying to be funny with the wifi thing and the "I am your father" reference and that stuff is funny. But other than that this episode hit me hard. And about the sandwhich thing, was it supossed to be funny or is it really his only chance of happiness? I might be overreacting but it's just what I think about.

The fact that Player is a general, gold. Everyone finally respects him. And the fact that all the blue characters appearing had to be everyone I hate, so as they came I was like "No" and it go louder each time more characters came. Like Hornsly, Bro, other guys... and NONE OTHER THAN MR. CHRISTMAS LIAR THAT'S THE MAIN REASON I UNSUBBED FROM GAMETOONS-

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