Her eyes..

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Matt's Point Of View~

        Well I really didn't know what too expect from today, everyday is full of new suprises. Hopefully I would get too see my girlfriend Brettny that I haven't seen all summer! Maybe i'll get some classes with her too if i'm lucky. Too be honest I am kind of scared too be a freshman this year, it's a pretty big change. It was already time too go and my mom basically had too drag me out of my room to get in the car. When I got there I really wasn't that nervous because I saw plenty of my friends. Then I found my beautiful girlfriend Brettny. She jumped in my arms and we hugged for a minute. We only had 3rd and 5th hour together. At the moment I was kind of disappointed but in reality I didn't really care. In 3rd period I had science with a few of my friends and of course Brettny. In the corner of my eye I caught a girl wearing the same shoes as I was so I went up too her and said we have the same shoes!! She replied with yea we do, and then she laughed. There was just something that made her different from everyone else, she was special. Her name is Kira and she has the most gorgeous hazel eyes I have ever seen in my life. She kept looking at me and then looking as if I couldn't tell. Why am I even thinking of another girl, I have Brettny... but is she the one though?

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