chapter 15

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I lay next to colby looking at his face, I watch as he sleeps peacefully. I sigh.

Why am I doing this.

I am hurting my bestfriend

Hes legit going to hate me forever.

I get out of colbys bed and put on my bra and underwear. I grab my phone looking at the time. It was 8 pm. I start putting on my clothes.

"Stay" a raspy voice speaks. I turn around looking at colby who sat up using his elbows to support him.

"What if sam sees us?" I ask. Colby disbt do anything but pat his hand for me to come lay with him. I sigh and take my pants back off. I get on the bed, getting under the covers. I lay my head on colbys chest. He wraps his arm around me pulling me close to him.

"What's wrong?" He turns his head.

"Nothing, i- I'm fine"

"Alyssa no your not, what's wrong?"

"I- I'm just Sam's never going to forgive me, with that I haven't even told him yet, I've lied to him and I just dont know what to do." I use my hands to cover my face.

Colby turns over still keeping his arm around me. He takes my hands uncovering my face. "Hey, look at me"

I look him in the eyes.

"Listen sam cant choose who you want to be with okay, if you want to be with me and I want to be with you the so be it. I love you alyssa and nothing can change that." Colby smiles

"Y- you love me?" My eyes began watering.

Colby nods. I turn over looking the opposite way. I hear colby sigh under his breath, "shit" I hear the sheets rustle. I couldn't stand hearing him upset. I hear movement then I see colby walking towards his door. I sit up. "Where are you goin" I look down at his shoes then back to his eyes.

"Out I'll be back" i hear colbys voice crack. Was he crying. He closes his bedroom door. I didn't know what to do. I sat there for about 10 minutes doing nothing but staring at the wall.

I fell myself being covered with tiredness and let myself drift alseep.


I wake up and sit up fast.

Sweat dripping

Heavy breathing

A few small tears slipping.

Hands shaking.


I haven't had a nightmare since I was like 10. I stand up realizing colby was still gone. I check the time. 11 pm. Hes been gone for 3 hours. I began panicking. I put on some of his sweatpants that were on the floor. I walk out his room and sit in the living room. I call him.

No answer

I call again

No answer

I text


I began panicking I didn't know where he was and I was worried. I call him one more time and I finally get an answer.


The call ends.

What the hell. The front door opens. I jump up, colby walks through the door with bags. I run up to him hugging him tightly. I feel his hands on my lower bag. I wrap my arms around the back of his neck. "Oh thank god"

"Alyssa, what's wrong?" Colby pulls from the hug.

"I- I was worried you haven't answered me."

"I'm sorry I went for a walk then too the store and when I got your call my phone died." Colby pulls me in for a hig agian.

"Shit, I thought you go hurt."

I pull from the hug, pushing our lips together. I pull away leaving our noses touching. "Cole robek brock I fucking love you." I push our lips together agian. He places his hand on the side of my neck, using his thumb to rub my jaw line. His other hand remains on my lower back.

I smile and pull from the kiss. I see the door was still open. I close the door.

"Alyssa I dont want you to feel forced to say I lov-" I interrupt him, "colby, I do, I was just scared because of sam, but I thought about what you said, and I had a nightmare and when you wernt next to me, I realized that's not what I wanted, I wanted you with me, because...because I love you."

Colby kisses me agian."I love you to."

We pull away and start unloading the two bags he got. I see one bag and see a bundle of flowers. Colbys snatches them. "Who are they for."

"No one, it doesn't matter"


"It doesn't matter, because I got them for you"

"Awe, why though." I raise an eyebrow

"to be my girlfriend"
Welllllll.....too soon?? Or no?

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