CHAPTER 3: Questions Questions and Questions!

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As the Queen demanded everybody except her lawyers to get locked in seprate rooms, She went ahead to talk to her lawyers.

"Okay so we come here to IreCity we see a beatiful portion of land and we go there. We see people at a corner. So I ask them whats wrong they respond with theres a wasteland here weird noises come from here. Basically theres some evil spirits living in the wasteland right beside them." Said Queen Luna.

"Yes ma'am." Said one of her lawyers (Jim).

"So first we need to call my detectives Lily and Fruto." Said the Queen.

She called her detectives and they arrived shortly.

"Yes Queen we're here! Whats wrong?" Said Lily.

"Oh come here we have a huge case and I want you people to solve it. If you do theres a reward of $6000 each." Said Queen Luna.

She explained everything to her detectives. They agreed that something was wrong.

"Okay so I'd like to hear your point of view." Said Queen Luna.

"Yes uh, Your honour. We think that some angry evil spirits used to live there before the people living there walked in so the spirits are not happy and they want to scare them out." Said Fruto and Lily.

"So you say ghosts?" Asked Queen Luna.

"Well yes, but its the only correct explanation anyone could possibly give!" Said Lily.

"Hmm." Said Queen Luna in a low pitch voice.

Lily and Fruto walked back to let her lawyers walk forward.

"Your Majesty, I think Lily and Fruto may be right. Because after all what else can it be some demonic creatures?" Said Hamilton.

"Okay everybody dismissed you too yes you reading this hurry up go vote first though wait for the 4th part bye bye." Said Queen Luna.

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