It was the 7th of June, 2012. A lively parade had passed him by the paved streets, people playing instruments with faceless expressions. The sweet pitter patter of loud drums and brassy tunes from the various wind instruments. It had kept the whole entirity of the district to be distracted from what had been coming. Their footsteps, swiftly thudding themselves onto the asphalt coated road, the shine from their black shoes and boots contrasting with the floorings exterior. The parade of musicians had continued to walk. Nulling the sound of whisperring gale from above as they had played louder and louder.
Marcus Ray Lindley. A newly turned 17 year old boy had been gawking and staring at the uniformed crew. His ears covered by cheap plastic earphones connected to his walkman. The tape still spinning as it played his selected song of choice. The slender figure had moved from the sunlight abd into the shade of a slowly dying resto he'd always come to as a child.
He would put on the outer jacket of his uniform. The attire only having simple markings and a black and white color pallete. He would have made his way to the back to start picking up the lousily prepared pancakes that had been on the old plain plating as the service bell had been rung. The walkman still spinning the film like threadding of the tape hed been listening to.
Snap. Snap. Snap. The sounds of someone's fingers snapping with each other in a vigorous manner could be heard. Along with that came a plesmy grunt from the fat and somewhat round seeming resto owner. Their eyes sunken in with black eye bags on its lower portions.
"Dont you ever get tired of listening to the same song over and over Ray?"
He spoke. His voice having a deep yet unclean tone as he had rid of the plesm on his throat after. His right index and middle finger locking in an unlit smoke. The man chuckled as he mocked Marcus for always carrying that walkman and not having another song to play.
"Cant really stop if its the only thing I own"
Marcus had answered as he had stopped his walkman from playing the soung once more. He touched his unruly onyx colored hair and had given his scalp a few scratches as he replied to his boss of sorts.
From outside, a deafening scream could be heard as everyone had rushed into a panick, people clearing away from somewhere as many had started to drive frantically from their previous locations. Something was in the air, falling and falling, faster and faster as it kept moving into its downwards path.
With the loud muffled whistling sound of the wind, it had dropped onto the pavement. Its metal exterior clabging itself onto the ground and igniting the reactive compounds it had carried. A blinding purple light had blasted out from the mysterious object. Followed by that, an explosion that had began to slowly eat anything it had touched and scorch what had been reachable by its area.
Marcus hadnt been able to see what the commotion outsude had been abput, yet he felt the ground shake, In result, the boy had tripped. His head falling onto the tiled flooring of the backroom, ears ringing loudly as he could only hear the incoherent sounds of his coworkers screaming.
His head had nkw been emptied. Unable to see as he was out out of conciousness. Body, bruised yet not at all brpkem by the explosive properties of the bomb incident. The outside of the Resto, rubbled and rid of any sign of life and greenery. The lack of life had been spread out, the outside world scorched and dusted by the radioactive apocalypse that it had been replaced with.
There hed been layed under small amount of rubble, concrete and plaster had showered him in dust particles, covering his hair in white powdery specs. Marcus remained out cold. His body being pinned under by the debri from the ripped out hole of the building hed been in for several years of his life. The brick like interior exposed as the paint had mostly been peeled off and tampered with by the explosion. Walls unstable. The water that had been leaking from the piping of the location's faucets and pipe lines had been of a strange beige-light brown color.
The liquid slowly making its way to Ray's body, creeping up to his face as the young lad had finaly opened his eyes after what appeared to be a few hours after the event. His concious self had been slapped with the hot dessert like wind that had made its way in.
His breathing slowly getting fainter and fainter as he stayed put. The rubble on his body, preventing him from escaping the blazing sunlight his eyes had been met with. The torn out roof providing the shine from above. His hands had began to shake from the effort he tried to push onto them.
The attempts of breaking himself free, had been pretty pointless. Marcus had been held there, confused... afraid... and trapped like a wild animal. His pants soon turned to cries, cries turn to yells of desperation. And with his fading stamina, yells become yelps. And then they eventually die out.
Marcus had stared at the rocky debri that had been on him. Hours and hours of struggling to no avail. He would slowly begin to try and lift with his palm, feeling a hot scalding pain as he lifted the torn out roof debri above his figure. He dragged hinself away and eventually let go of the... floating... concrete?
What the hell? He thought. The heat from his palm slowly travelling upwards to devour his whole hand. It had began to spasm and shake as Marcus cried out in pain. The rubble had fallen down instantaneously as he stopped thinking about his escape. The shift in focus hed had was enough to break the bond between him and the rocky brick and concrete mix of rubble he had been stuck beneath.
The pain had made him fall on his arse, the entirity of his hand succumbing to the burning pain hed felt. The color of his originaly lightly tanned skin had gone to a reddish color all around his arm. The pain was excruciatingly unbearable, Marcus having lied on the dusty ground as he waited for something to come and get him.
Rescue workers are coming right? He thought, closing his eyes as he tried to think of what had happened. Unconcerened by the small cuts on his skin because the pain had been overpowered by the crushing feeling of his chest, back, and legs. The lad had passed out from the exertion of his energy, His coffee-brown eyes being blocked out by the shuttbg of his eyelids.
The landscape, originally whole and pieced together in busy streets, sturdy houses and abodes, and stable societies had easily been collapsed by one single action. The land now broken and battered by what had happened, with its population significantly dropping from the instance. Not a plant or animal to be seen in the distance.
Lifeless. Void of anything.
Origin - Project Genesis
Science FictionThe story follows the travels of one, Marcus Ray Lindley. A child who was born into this soon to be doomed earth. 17 years pass him by and disaster strikes. The world isnt what it once was. Barren. All around the globe as it had been feared by every...