64- Wtf!

2 2 37

Horror as the Smiths are attacked...


Lycan texted me the next day.

Ly😩 : hey babe hope to see you tonight at my house

Me : no ly I'm not coming

Ly😩 : c'mon I'm not going to rape you...my mum wants to see you🙄

Me : I hope so

Ly😩 : ask Adams if you think I'm lying 💔

Me : awwww💔 I'm sorry

Ly😩 : 😭you heartbreaker

Me : chill we even have to talk...see you tonight

Ly😩 : sure

I went down for breakfast. Mum and dad decided to come back because of the news on social media about their children. They would be around at noon. I found Harry having some coffee...no signs of Shawn, Bella or Carsy...

"So no best friend and girlfriends today?" I asked.

"They had not moved in you know"


I got to the fridge and decided to just make cereal. I wanted pancakes but staying in the kitchen with an angry brother for long is hell...

I made my cereal in silence and decided to go to my room but Harry stopped me.

"Mum and dad are coming back today. At noon most probably."

"I know. Mum texted me."

He nodded. "So why Ly?"

I rolled my eyes. He was just trying to get a way to reach to that conversation.

"I love him."

"Love my foot. Everyone knows you die for Arthur Caspian!" He yelled at me.

"I don't die for him. I got over him!" I yelled back.

"Then why did you kiss him on Friday?!" He yelled back too and I fell speechless. How did he know about the kiss? "Shit is all about you on social media... check this!"

He showed me his phone. Opera News...E news...bla bla...

Shock as Daisy Smith claims to love a hot young guy who could pose as the bad boy in all novels and movies yet she happens to have been seen kissing Arthur Caspian the previous night at the famous Smith teenage party organised by Harry Smith...

A lot of comments have been said...

Comments :

She's a sweet bitch

She's a player

She's a slut

Our prince should not go back to her

No, she's just broken and confused

.....bla bla....

I was shocked. A picture of Arthur and I kissing was there as well as one of Lycan and I kissing at the diner was there. The actual fuck.

I sighed as tears threatened to flow out of my eyes. "People are meant to talk Harry but it can't change us."

"Don't be fooled Daisy. You have changed a lot. You're trying to be what you're not. Be the good girl you have always been. Listen to your heart. Fight for the truth and don't try to run away from it. You love Arthur so do anything possible to get back with him. Some times guys need to be taught how to fight for a relationship."

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