twenty nine

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Day two of his challenge with Hyunjin and Yeonjun wants to die already.

More than a challenge, he's trying to forget Soobin for his own good, and so that he doesn't fall deeper in love for a person who's never gonna love him back.

Hyunjin stacked a bunch of books from the library (because Yeonjun asked him to), and given them all to Yeonjun, so he could pass his time without disturbing Hyunjin.

Hyunjin walked into the room with two books and a smile on his face, and he found Yeonjun sitting in one corner and reading a book with a very uninterested look on his face.

"I got two more books, they're called Wrath of the-" Hyunjin began, but Yeonjun cut him off.

"No." Yeonjun said. "No more books. I can't read any more of these stuff. I'm bored of looking at the same old ochre colour of these books. It's boring me out." Yeonjun sighed, and Hyunjin shrugged.

"No choice, mate." Hyunjin said. "You wanna get over him, right? Prove to me that you can live without him."

No matter how hard Yeonjun tried, he knew that living without Soobin was a hell like life on earth. He didn't want that.

"Hyunjin." Yeonjun said. "Just don't bring me anymore books. Jeez, how do you guys even read books on an end?"

"How do you even look at Soobin on an end?" Hyunjin retorted, and stuck out a tongue at Yeonjun.

"Don't keep saying his name." Yeonjun sighed. "Like this I'll never forget him."

"Okay, fine whatever." Hyunjin rolled his eyes and picked up the books that he had originally brought for Yeonjun, and began to read them by himself.

"HYUNJIN!" Yeonjun screamed after staring at the book for some time.

"What? Don't shout so much."

"I have an idea." Yeonjun said, and Hyunjin shook his head.

"No." Hyunjin said before he could even hear what his idea was. "Your ideas always suck."

"No, this one is good." Yeonjun promised, and Hyunjin sighed as of to let him know to continue. "Why don't you make me fall in love with you and then date me?"

"What?No." Hyunjin made a disgusted face, "I have a girlfriend, bro."

"And what I said about your ideas before, scratch that, you suck."


Soobin took a peek at his phone for the millionth time that day. How was it possible that Yeonjun hadn't texted him even once for the past two days?

Was he, ignoring Soobin?

No, he shook that thought out if his head. Yeonjun wouldn't ignore me.

HueningKai said, "Faster, Soobin hyung. Don't be slow."

Soobin looked at HueningKai and remembered where he was. The younger was so concerned about Soobin's leg, which mind you, was okay at the moment, that he googled up a bunch of stuff, and made Soobin do those things on a daily basis.

Out of one was this— some sort of a weird leg exercise. Soobin swore that even if his leg was fine he wouldn't do this, but Huening insisted.

And of course, the elder having a giant sweet spot for HueningKai, couldn't even refuse.

"Huening," Soobin began. "Did you see Yeonjun anywhere?"

"Oh, me?" He tilted his head. "No, I haven't. Oh wait, now that I think about it, it's been two days, right?"

"Yeah..." Soobin said. "I'm just kind of worried, you know?"

HueningKai just stared at Soobin. Soobin moved his hands frantically, trying to prove a point to HueningKai.

"No no, it's not what you're thinking, kid." Soobin shook his head. "I know that look, and no, I don't like him. But isn't it normal for me to be worried about a friend?"

HueningKai mocked Soobin by saying something like 'Yeah, friends' to which Soobin replied by throwing a pillow to his head.

"Why is everyone around me so goddamn annoying?" Soobin sighed.

Ignoring his friend's unintended hateful comment which he slightly took to heart, HueningKai ordered Soobin to do the next set of excercises.

Soobin knew that he was going to go and check on Yeonjun later on.


He stood patiently outside Yeonjun's room, and rang the bell.

And boy, the commotion in the room was something.

Hyunjin looked at Yeonjun, and Yeonjun did the same.

"What if it's Soobin?" Yeonjun whisper shouted, and Hyunjin looked around.

"Get under the bed." Hyunjin quickly said.

"What? No, I'm not going in there." Yeonjun crossed his arms.

"Fine, lemme just tell Soobin—"

"I'm going!" Yeonjun said quickly. "Tell him that I'm not in the room or something. He'll believe it."

"Okay, I guess." Hyunjin took a deep breath before the opened the door to the room, revealing a Soobin standing in the corridor.

"Oh, hey, is Yeonjun there?" Soobin asked politely, "I didn't want to just barge in with my key like last time. 's was rude." Soobin giggled and Hyunjin forced a laugh too.

"Ah, that's completely okay." Hyunjin said, looking down while scratching the back of his neck. Nervous. "And uh, Yeonjun! I haven't seen him around much for a few days. He's only back in the room to sleep again. I'm sorry, I don't know where he is."

"Oh?" Soobin said, and then looked down at his phone in his hand. "Has he texted you or something?" Soobin questioned, and Hyunjin shook his head.

"I haven't seen him anywhere." Hyunjin added. "Please do tell me if you find where he is." Hyunjin said, and then bit his lip. Probably he shouldn't have said that.

But Soobin wasn't even listening. He kept looking down at his phone for some reason.

"You okay, Soobin?" Hyunjin asked, and Soobin smiled.

"Oh, yes. Sorry for creeping you out." Soobin said, and then walked back to his room in confusion.

He could clearly see Yeonjun hiding under the bed. His huge arms where popping out from under the bed.

The real question was...why was Yeonjun lying to Soobin?


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