Not Everything In Life Is Guaranteed

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Sierra’s POV

 I gazed into Reed’s eyes. They’re a dark shade of brown. Our noses pressed together making the butterflies in my stomach explode. Our lips collided and it felt like it was meant to be. I close my eyes because I don’t want to make it even the slightest bit awkward. It is times like this that make me wonder how I got so lucky. Reed is perfect in every way and I’m just not. This may sound so cliché but he treats me like a princess. People call us “relationship goals” I don’t know why but they do.


I walked down the halls of the overcrowded school like I had many times before and like usual I’m shaking in fear. The amount of people here always seems to make me feel nervous. It’s almost like all eyes are on me but I know they aren’t, I’m paranoid.

Once I got my books from my locker I practically ran to my class because there’s some people I don’t have the energy to face today. I look through the people in our class and see an unfamiliar face with his head buried in his phone. He had scruffy brown curls, somewhat cute I’ll admit. I take my usual seat until our teacher arrived. She ushered for the unknown boy to introduce himself.

“I’m Reed Adkins,” he said and gave a weak smile to the class which made me assume that he really didn’t want to be here but had the decency not to be rude or smart about it. Also he had a thick American accent which I’m not going to lie was pretty cute.

“Hi,” I hear this voice say from behind me which startled me. I turn to see the unknown boy who now has a name standing behind me.

“I’m sorry I scared you,” he said pouting. I don’t want to sound like an annoying teenage girl but there’s something about what’s going on that just feels right. That sounded really cringe worthy I’m sorry.

“It’s okay, I get scared easily anyway,” I said looking back at him to notice he is now smiling at me and his smile is adorable.

“If you didn’t already know I’m Reed,” he said and I acted like I didn’t already know that fact.

“I’m Sierra,” I said smiling back and him and even giving him a little giggle. By this time the teacher caught on and made Reed go back to his seat. Maybe I will actually have a friend now.


“I love you,” Reed whispered in my ear while wrapping his arms around my waist.

“I love you too,” I say while staring directly into those eyes that made me fall for him. I can’t believe it we finally said that too each other. The thing is by now I mean it I love him with every ounce of my body. My mum always warned me about drugs but she never warned me about the ones with brown and a heartbeat.

Reed’s POV

I love her, I can’t help it. This will sound so cliché but there was something about her the first time I ever talked to her. The way her eyes light up when she’s talking about something that interests her. The way her hair frames her head. She’s just so beautiful I can’t put it into words even if I tried. Oh my god, the way she giggles at the simplest things is just the cutest.


Tonight is the night, the night I am going to ask Sierra to be my girlfriend. We’ve known each other for about 3 weeks and talk everyday so I think it’s kind of acceptable. I’m a hopeless romantic so I am taking her for a picnic under the stars. I walk up to her doorstep and I can feel myself shaking, is this normal? I knock on her door and see her Mum answers the door. That’s when I see her, she looks more beautiful than I’ve ever seen her look before.

“I’m kind of walking you to a park,” I say not being able to control my laughter which resulted in her face lighting up and showing that smile I’d grown to love.

“Oh so no limo. You’re slacking off pretty boy,” She said giggling like an idiot. Pretty boy is the nickname I received from her because of the amount of times in one day I fix my hair.

We walked to the park and not much conversation had sparked up but it wasn’t an awkward silence. It didn’t matter what was going on I just didn’t feel alone with her company.

“You didn’t have to do this pretty boy,” she said looking at the stereotypical picnic I had set out on the grass. There was a blanket surrounded by candles, simple but effective.

“Anything for you,” I said while gesturing for her to sit down. We just sat there talked, laughed and most importantly we ate. The night was also some time for me to mentally prepare what to say to Sierra because to be frank I was extremely nervous.

“So Sierra I know it’s been three weeks but I’ve honestly enjoyed your company so much. I don’t want to go on a rant on why I’m going to ask this because it would end up being way too cheesy but I wanted to know, would you be my girlfriend?” I asked and her face lit up thankfully.

“I’m not going to say no Reed,” she said and smiled


Sierra’s POV

We jumped into my mum’s car and were on our way to Luna Park. It was a family activity but I begged to let Reed be out guest, it worked surprisingly well.

All of a sudden the car jolted forward, we swerved to the side of the road and I heard a smashing noise. I see memories of my life before my eyes and then I have no idea what happened next or if anything did happen.



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