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One big family I have.. 4 brothers and 1 sister who is only 10 and 1 dad

Growing up with my 2 older brothers,my one twin brother and small brother wasn't easy..I was raised as a figher, I was raised to act strong like any boy!!

We are only 2 girls in the house since my mom died with cancer a few years ago..

My dad's hardly home and my brothers kind of raised me..

I'm tuff,I never cry and I play the one sport where I'm the only girl and thats Football.

I am the most popular girl at school, my only girl friend is in the Cheerleading Squad and I do not like the Cheerleading Squad. and my best friend (note that it's a boy) is on the football team with me.

My mother used to say "Being strong is being who you choose to be and persueing your dream even when everyone else says it's impossible!"

and I live by those words for life

It isn't easy to have 1 brother in College and the rest at home and definantly not easy when there's a boy at school who hates you as much as you hate him,the boy at the back of the class. The captain of the Soccer team.

Reath Crossward. The meanest guy in school,if it wasn't for my brothers I'd be meat!!

And my best friend means the world to me we've practicaly been friends since kindergarden

Shane Collins

Have you ever struggled to make friends with girls well that me

I have only 1 friend thats a girl and that Kristi Cleans the only girl in school who has some similarities to me..

I prefer boys over girls.. Like the football team my 2 brothers,Kyler and the rest of the team is my best friends.. I sit eith them at lunch I go to their houses and guess what I have never dated one of them..

I think I have only dated one boy in my life and that was Reath, we had a relationship in middel school. I guess thats why he hates me and I hate him...We broke up which was a huge school talk. He qas acually a really great guy at that time. I guess he changed a lot...

Football here I come!!

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