chapter 2 war never changes

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It has been several weeks since the accident occurred and I still have no idea what really happened, I don't even know what I saw In those tunnels. The memory haunted me in every living day as I tried to resume my once normal life but that was impossible now. The dark red eyes that shone in the back of my eyes were but a message of terror that almost caused the deaths of five innocent people. I had pondered on whether there was a small possibility that there was more of the beasts roaming our once colonised home but everyone was to afraid to go back into the tunnels.

As I walked along the cracked pavements I took a short notice of the soldiers walking through the empty streets, their guns in hand as they eyed me up, walking past me in undesired fear. I felt drained as the darkness surrounded me, consuming me as the memories entered my head; I stood there remembering beast: it's decrepit red eyes, it's huge hairy body, its sharp claws. I continued thinking as I searched for the entrance to the unknown cave system but it was nowhere to be found.

After walking for some time, my mind filled with the blossoms of life which I had seen on mere pictures, it was all so real and so colourful. I closed my eyes for a second admiring the beauty of the lost world as I moved out my hand to reach for it but instead of feeling the lush, bright green grass, I felt a lever.

I slowly open my eyes looking at the lever for a second before pulling it, a huge sound erupted in the landscape as the entrance revealed itself, I instantly called to my friends urging them over as I begged them to join me through the tunnels. After some time they finally agreed and with tools in hand we entered the dark tunnels of the East.

The tunnels grew darker as we travelled further in, walking left so we could find the old device which I found several weeks before. As I reached the device I noticed that it was still working and broadcasting a signal which I never started, the signal was an emergency signal to some large empire. I look at the others questions running through my mind, "who activated the signal I asked?", we all looked at each other in silence as we tried to generate an answer but nothing.

The sounds of silence filled the air for some time before someone spoke, the emergency signal continued beeping as over 500 things had received it, "what are we supposed to?" My friend asked impatiently as we stood there staring at the object. Time flew by as we waited motionless until my friend decided to walk through the tunnel to the entrance and as he reached it, what he saw horrified him. Thousands of beast awaiting something they all ran in a huge circle as they awaited their prey to land, keeping to the shadows so nothing above was able to notice it.

The first ship landed and was immediately boarded and devoured by the beasts but the second ship landed closer to the entrance to the cave in which we were located. They all ran out noticing the beasts and began running the opposite direction to the beasts. They were coming right towards us.

The echo of screams filled the air as the air as the beasts hunted their newly found prey, the soldiers still running towards, not noticing us as we stand in the darkness of the cave. They continued to run as we stepped back further into the darkness awaiting the inevitable as they jumped down into the only entrance to the newly found cave system.

As they entered the cave they pointed their weapons at me, asking questions in a bizarre language ive only heard once before, they continued speaking like this in an angry tone before a shiny being stepped forward, his skin lit up the cave and brightened my eyes as he spoke "you must be the ones who called for us" his voice as emotionless as his face. We all looked at him in shock trying to compose an answer.

I looked at all of them before speaking, admiring their weapons and complex badges. "Who are you?" I spoke quietly, the fear in my voice showing as I slowly moved away from them.

They looked at me for a moment before looking towards their shining friend who stepped forward and spoke in a monologue tone, "we are the cardinal union", his voice penetrated my mind as I stood there trying to figure out what that was exactly but they just stood there staring me down as if I held the darkest intents. For a time we stood there hoping for a chance of salvation but no evidence of such promise showed itself as we were held hostage in the darkness of the cave.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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