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Life is unfair. This world rotates in a very opposite way of how my life works everyday.

I don't know if God was true because if He really is alive, why am I still at the bottom line of this crazy fucked up society? I hated life until a blessing came up and brought light to my life. I started hoping again. Started a new life and strive because I want to live for my angel, my son, Michael Angelo. Angelo is just an adopted son of mine. He was left in front of my house, at the doorstep, one night when I was in despair after the death of my wife along with our daughter.

I can still remember how I heard the cry of a baby and how I followed the sound. My vision that night was blurry because I am sober and my head aches so much. It was ironic that I am cursing life because it is too fucked up then an angel came to save me, I guess? And that's why I am here, preparing the breakfast for my baby boy.

"Son! Wake up! You'll be late for school!" I screamed in excitement because today is monday and I am going to fetch him to school. I usually do this because I want him to feel like he is my real son. And that we are a happy family. Because I believe we are a happy family and I will do everything and anything just to make him happy.

His smiles brightens up my day and wipes out my tiredness in my everyday life. His voice are music to my ears, a sweet melody that calms me down everytime he speaks. His eyes are so beautiful, so innocent and peaceful. I love my son so much. I can see my daughter in him. They're about the same age though.

"Good morning Pa!" He said in a sleepy and adorable voice. He's still stretching his arms and yawning before he sits down in our old bangkito and looked at me and smile. He then, grabs a pandesal from the paper bag and took a sip from a cup of milk that I made for him.

"Good morning! How was your sleep?" I asked him while I am transferring the boiling water from the kettle to the bucket half-filled of tap water.

"Pa! Nom nom nom nomi saw mom nom nom nom!" He's trying to tell his dream even if his mouth is full. He's so innocent. I have to keep him away from this messed up society. He's way too innocent to be a prisoner of this kind of life so I have to strive hard and work hard so I can prepare a better future for him.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full, Angelo. And hurry up or you'll be late for school." I hurried him because it's already 7 in the morning and the start of his class is at 8 am.

After he ate his breakfast, he took a bath using the warm water from the bucket. And after he bathe, he went inside the bedroom then go out dressed with his wrinkled but new school uniform that I have brought from the supermarket. Then we walk outside our house while wearing our brightest smile. I am holding his hand while walking like a big boss of a mafia.

We live in a squatter area. In a community where gunshots are more normal than the chirping of birds. Where fights and troubles are part of the everyday scenarios. Yes, we are living in a squatter area.

The part of the society where poverty is the most abundant thing. We are the ones who are at the bottom line of this societal standards. And that is why I want to bring Angelo out of this place. He doesn't deserve this place. This is prison. This is hell. And Angelo is an angel of my life. I'll fetch him back to heaven, where he belongs, whatever it takes.
We commuted. We rode a jeepney to go to his school and when we get there, I waved a goodbye to him so he can go to his room and start the class. He smiled back at me while waving his hand.

"Bye Pa!" He shouted.

"Bye! Thank care!" I shouted back before I turned around and rode another jeepney to go to my workplace.

Anyway, my name Michael Pascua and I am a day-shift security guard in a Tambunting Pawnshop. I picked the schedule of working on daytime, so I can work freely while Angelo is at school and we can go home together every afternoon.

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