part 1

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Because I was bored. I thought of this idea yesterday and ran with it today. Forwarning there is a mild adult theme but nothing that goes over board. So PG 13.


MoonByul woke up to the smell of strawberries. It was her favourite scent in the world, because it was the smell of her wife's lotion. Kim YongSun was neatly folded up in her wife's arms. Byul smiled to herself. No matter how many mornings she woke up like this, she would never get use to it, never get use to always having the woman she loved in her arms.

YongSun stirred, she must have sensed that Byul was awake. Byul leaned forward and gave her a kiss on her forehead, making her stir more. "Are you awake yet?" Byul mumbled in YongSun's ear, her voice husky in the morning.

YongSun shook her head. "You'll have to try harder." She hadn't even opened her eyes.

Byul made a noise in her throat. "I do like a challenge." Byul showered YongSun's face with small kisses, working her way down to her neck. YongSun placed her hands on Byul's hips, digging her nails in a bit. Byul took that as a good sign and began kissing her jaw line, leading up to her lips. Byul only brushed her lips over YongSun's, not giving her what she wanted. YongSun made a whining noise. "Open your eyes." She bit YongSun's earlobe, the noises she was making was more torture to Byul than it was to YongSun.

YongSun opened her eyes, soft in the morning light, barely able to focus on Byul. "You're a tease." She pouted.

Byul leaned in and kissed her for real but not for too long. YongSun opened her eyes again, this time looking more annoyed with Byul. Byul raked some of YongSun's hair back behind her ear. "How is baby this morning?"

YongSun continued to pout but her gaze dropped to her stomach, a small bump had swollen there. Byul's free hand dropped there, feeling the bump under YongSun's shirt. It had been a long conversation between them. YongSun had always wanted a baby, Byul didn't hate the idea but they had enough trouble with their relationship, she didn't want to complicate a child's life because of who they chose to love. However, when HyeJin and WheeIn announced their news to the girls, Byul knew it wouldn't be long until YongSun talked her into it. YongSun laid her hand over Byul's. "Baby is fine." She moved her hand to Byul'd neck. "It is Mommy that is not happy."

Byul raised her eyebrows. "Oh, and what will make Mommy happy?" YongSun pulled Byul back to her for another kiss. Byul allowed it to go on for sometime, it wasn't like she didn't want it either. Byul had been more cautious with YongSun since she got pregnant, there was just something more fragile about her, making her not want to take things too far but she knew it was just making her wife frustrated. Byul rolled them around so she was above YongSun. She let go of her lips so she could trace her nose across YongSun's face, making her way up to her forehead again. She kissed her gently in the centre of her forehead, then rolled off of her and planting her feet on the floor. YongSun growled. "It's time to get ready for work." Byul dashed out of the room before YongSun could coax her back to bed.

Byul finished placing the eggs and tea she had made on the table when YongSun finally exited their bedroom. She had a frustrated look on her face, but not the kind of frustration the Byul was used to. "What's wrong babe." Byul asked while placing chopsticks beside the plates.

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