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Ocean: *Bored*


@hey_its_holly dares: I dare you to...ADD ME TO THE ELEMENTS

Ocean: o.O

Sky: O.o

Ocean: How do I put this lightly...The elements are CHOSEN...We didn't choose to be the elements...Its HARD WORK!

Flame: Too right! We have like a new Villain EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Ocean: But because we are not doing the dare! We have to pour *Looks at list* Pickles in maple syrup and cheese on are head...

Autumn: WHAT??? NO!

Ocean: We have to *Pours the stuff over head* YUCK YUCK YUCK *Runs to shower*

Everyone Else: *Does the same* OMG AGHHH EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW!!

Ocean: *Comes out of shower* Ok sorry @hey_its_holly that we couldn't do you 'request' but come on I POURED THAT STUFF ON MY HEAD!!!!

Everyone: BYE :)

Ask and Dare The ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now