iv. four

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chapter four

❝ It's rosé on ice

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It's rosé on ice. Candlelight and I'm feeling nice.


chapter four; change in rhythm


" I feel bad," Bonnie sighed the guilt seeping into her.

" Why?"

Rebekah look at her with compassion, pity and affection all in one. Rebekah sat next to Bonnie with a gentle smile on her face.

" I just feel like should be helping Caroline get dressed like normal. It just feels odd to not be."

" You are not some common maid. So you will get dressed in a marvelous dress and look hot. I'm sure Caroline is fine. If she wasn't she would have called you crying about how horrible she looks."

Bonnie laughed, it was true. If Caroline was actually losing it she would have called as soon as something went wrong.

" You're right. Again."

Rebekah grinned before she rushed Bonnie to the bathroom to put on the dress. Rebekah passed Bonnie the large bag with her dress in it.  Then Rebekah passed her the bag with her jewelry in it. Bonnie pulled out the dress she almost gasped at the sight. It was a forest green dress with unique patterns for the beading and the straps. It was a humongous all gown. Which Bonnie thought was more fit for a gala.

Bonnie slid on the dress she was going to need help with the back and decided she would yell for Rebekah's help after she put her Jewelry on.

Pulling the necklace out of the bag she put on the necklace and earrings. Bonnie admired the jewelry with green gems on it that seemed to glimmer in the light. Bonnie then slipped on the black shoes with a similar gorgeous design to the dress.

" Rebekah!!" Bonnie shouted out, which Bonnie really didn't need to do considering the vampire hearing.

Rebekah pulled the door open. She was already dress in the outfit she picked out while shopping which was much simpler than Bonnie own dress but stood out nonetheless. Rebekah blonde hair was already braided in a crown braid with a few curls falling down her face. It made Rebekah look gorgeous.

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