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Scaramouche walked towards the room LeeYang stayed in, curious to see if he had awoken. To his surprise, the hospitalized man's eyes opened slowly as he carelessly threw the door open.

"Awake, I see." Scaramouche smiled, towering above the man. Nothing more than a grumble escaped the man's lips. Scaramouche's eyebrows furrowed slightly at his response.

"Not much of a talker, are you?" Scaramouche mocked, bending down to the man.

"Most people don't make a habit of talking to the person that almost killed them."

"You got off easy. Your death would have been sealed had you attacked me." Scaramouche roughly grabbed the collar of LeeYang, his white hair shaking from the force. "Why target the girl?"

"It was leverage." Leeyang spat out, too weak to try and pry Scaramouche's grip off of him.

You think a single Fatui recruit is leverage?" Scaramouche snapped back, purple sparks of electricity popping in the air around him.

"I saw the way your face changed seeing her at the ball." LeeYang choked out.

Scaramouche dropped LeeYang then, his body flopping onto the bed underneath him with a thud. He coughed sickly, rubbing his neck to try and ease the pain away. Scaramouche looked bitterly at the man, wondering if what he said was true.


You awoke with a startle, the faint noise of knocking bringing your head towards the noise of the sound.

"Please, come in." You called out. You weren't sure where you were, but it seemed like you were in Liyue by the style of the room.

The door creaked open and in stepped the Balladeer, his stressed expression faltering upon seeing your face.

"Lord Scaramouche?"

"How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting down on one of the chairs beside you.

"I'm fine, my Lord." You reassure, pausing to speak again. "I apologize for my incompetence in battle. Thank you for saving my life."

"Just shut up." Scaramouche sighed, annoyance in his tone. "Or I'll begin to regret doing so."

You pursed your lips together, unsure of what to say.

"You're in the Northerland bank. You passed out so a few other agents brought you here and you received medical care for hypothermia and bruising to the neck." Scaramouche informed you.

"I see . . ." You muttered. "What happened to LeeYang?"

"He's . . . alive. I doubt he'll want to run from me now." Scaramouche chuckled. "How did you get him so close to you?"

"He asked me to dance with him." You said shyly.

"Hmm." Scaramouche noted, his expression unreadable. "Was this mission meaningful to you?"

"Yes, my Lord. I enjoyed a lot of it." You struggled to speak so casually to a superior, stumbling on your words.

"Aha!" Scaramouche placed a hand on his knee, enjoying your embarrassment. "What did you enjoy, exactly?"

"Fontaine; it's a beautiful place. Ballroom dancing was also less complicated than I initially expected, I at least enjoyed that part. It's much better than being bedridden a second time."

Scaramouche paused for a moment. "Second time?"

You trailed off. You didn't usually make it a point to tell others about your memory loss.

Not A Good Man - Scaramouche x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now