Chp. 1

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Desi (main character)

"YOU SAID HOW MUCH?!?" I stood up without thinking. I could feel my whole body go cold as my heart started to speed up. "Desiree shut up people are looking!" Ina whispered while trying to pull my arm from across the table so that I would sit down "INA DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY THAT IS?!" I slowly sat down letting myself calm down before I brought even more attention to myself.

40 minutes ago...

"Ohh Come on" Ina said while dragging me about half way up a block out of my apartment just to go to a restaurant. She finally let me go and said " I have something important to ask of you so please let's just go it won't even take that long" I sighed but agreed to go "alright I'll go but your buying" she smirked for a bit "sure no problem for me" which I found kind of weird since I never seen a smirk like that on her face but I just went with it. To be honest I was already pretty hungry. I started reading a new BL I found and I got so into it I lost track of time and didn't even realize it was past dinner.

   We finally get there I look around in amazement since I never seen a restaurant with this kind of interior design. It had a nice vibe to it which was comforting and refreshing. Ina close my mouth "stop standing with your mouth open people will look at us like we've never seen these kind of things before" I look at her with a confused face "yeah no shit we are  both broke college students that only have part time jobs we could never afford something like this even if it was just to get a simple dinner" that's when I got even more confused why did she take me here? She knows we can't pay for it. "Ina why are even here?" I asked with the same confused expression "I told you Desi it's no problem for me so you don't have to worry about it" I look at her with a straight face "did you hook up with the manager or something?"Ina's face turn a light red "NO I DID NOT" I look at her smirking this time "are you sureee?"  She put her hand over my mouth " yes Desi I'm sure I told you I don't do that anymore!" She took her hand off my mouth after I mumbled an  "ok ok" I found it funny messing around with her since she made the weirdest expressions to things that she knew were coming either way. But after I put a little thought in it I realized it must be very important since she's taking me to a place like this to ask me something. I wasn't sure what she wanted since she is so unpredictable sometimes. " Desiree you wait here I will go get the table."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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