1. Careful What You Wish For

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An irregular event on a regular day, - Somewhere in the distance, not unlike the tinkling of a church bell, fate laughs and watches its entertainment unfold in the bustling capital of London.

So it happens in a quaint little lodging in Baker street, more specifically the flat 221B, - An informally dressed man sat strewn across a velvet cushion. This particular gentleman was of lean build, strong jaw framed by a dark brown almost black colored hair, forearms pockmarked with needle marks, which his newest stimulant lay discarded on the table and concurrently ignoring the voice of one John Watson.

"Sherlock, dare I say," the doctor exclaimed brusquely, sidestepping the clutter on the floor, "This whole narcotics business is simply getting out of hand! Why I haven't seen this many bottles since my time in the Afghan medical tents!" Picking up the empty volume with a faintly tanned hand and holding it out in disgust, he questions, "So you dashing lad, which poison is it that you chose to intake today?"

Truth be told, Watson felt that this particular conversation should have been a long time coming. He's seen this man splayed around the suite in multiple positions with hazy,- almost unseeing eyes. His eyes, the doctor feels, are the most concerning part of this whole ordeal. When he was clean his eyes were like those of a bloodhound, hunting for the most minuscule of details. They were sharp, cunning with a certain light about them.

However, on days where he'd find bottles on the floor, Sherlock's eyes would be clouded and glazed over. It was as if he wasn't even in the same room. This was what concerned the doctor, as he'd seen many a man in medical tents drugged up to no return, and he would detest seeing a friend fall down that particular rabbit hole.

Smiling slightly, Sherlock replied to his previous question in a lilting manner, "It is cocaine. A five percent solution, in fact" taking another shot out of seemingly nowhere, - To which Watson made a mental note to check the couches and other inconspicuous places for drug stashes,- "Care for a taste?"

Spluttering and vehemently refusing, the doctor tried to make his way to the hallway while reprimanding the lounging man on the cushion. "Dear me, I'd think not. My constitution isn't as well as it was and I'd hate to think of the strain such substances could put on my body!"

"Well, unlike you, these substances are what keeps my mind up and going! It keeps my brain stimulated, dear friend. I really can't get the feeling from anywhere else!" Putting up his hands in a motion, not unlike a man placating, Sherlock clarifies,
"Understandable, it is because your body is rather fragile at this moment isn't it. Whereas unlike you, actually I, -"

"Aren't you going to reconsider?" Watson uncharacteristically interrupted, halting his steps towards the doorway "Imagine the toll it would take on your body! Your brain, as you said, could get all intoxicated and electrified,- which would be completely fine should those drugs not have a long-term impact! The process of drugs will incite rapid tissue change and have all the more chance of leaving something permanent!"

Watson moves forward, knees nearly touching the tea table and combs a hand through his brown hair in chagrin.

Exasperatedly Watson's finger shot out pointing at Sherlock who was now sitting upright and cross-legged on the cushion, "Wouldn't it be a huge shame if such a brain like yours gave way to these substances merely because you sought a temporary high?"

As if emphasizing his next point, his finger now points towards his chest. "I am speaking not only out of concern as your friend but also as a professional medical man to someone who could sincerely use better stimulants than petty drugs!"

Watson could feel more of his concern bleeding out into his manner of speech, but he really could care less nor understand the type of stimulus his newly acquainted roommate would need for such a mind. Though surely he was a different breed than most others and could reasonably have different needs, it was risky health detriments such as these that made Watson finally putting his two cents in getting Sherlock to change his mind.

Deus Ex Machina II (YnM x ACD Sherlock Holmes x IDV) II Crossover IIWhere stories live. Discover now