Devil looking for his mans😩

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No one:
It has been about 3 days since George left heaven. Everyone knew what the bet was...and everyone knew God would lose. And George would go.
God was fine with that as long as George still helped up in heaven and his safety is guaranteed. The bet was not a light garden one. You could say George was the devil's pet now.

Where is he? I can't seem to locate him anywhere. I started getting anxious. I felt worried? That's a new one. George was making me feel all these new emotions. I had been looming for him for what seemed hours. I asked everyone. Hell even sapnap. But none of them had seen him. I felt like the only other place was heaven... I haven't been there for what seemed like centuries... Whatever here we go. I opened the golden gates to be met with angels, they all seemed happy until they saw me. It all started to change into a panic. I scoffed at them and continued to find what was mine. It was very hard for me to hide. I mean I have huge black wings and horns. I kept asking the angels if they had seen George until one of them seemed to get defensive. "Do you know where George is?!" I said. The angel who was the same height as I rolled his eyes and said "Maybe, maybe not.". "It doesn't matter... He won't be going with a devil like you," he added on. I started getting annoyed. My eyes slowly turned all black and I raised my hand to add a scar to the man's face. "Dream!" I heard a voice in the distance yell. That name sounds familiar....My demeanour quickly changed to calm once I realised who it was. The angel swiftly turned around opened fo a hug. The obviously shorter male jumped into the mans grasp. I suddenly felt a wave of jealousy wash over me. I swiftly took George from him and covered George with one of my wings. The man's demeanour suddenly altered into something menacing.....something I recognized......someone I recognized... How did he escape?! I needed answers so I teleported George to Phil.


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