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"Bye! I'm going to the park now!" I tell everybody. I walk along the river to find my way to the park. I brought some wings for me to try to fly. I will attach them to my arms and watch the birdies first to see what I'll have to do. Here it is! OK. Now that I'm here............."OH WHERE ARE YOU STUPID LITTLE BIRDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell. *innocent and babyish voice* "I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to see if all of you were awake." *really angry and loud voice* "NOW COME OUT YOU STUPID BIRDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINE!!!!!!! I'LL JUST FIND OUT HOW TO FLY ALL BY MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!"I scream.

I walk to the center of the park. First I'll practice jumping. Weeeeeee! Now that I'm done jumping, I will practice running and taking off. *Runs around in a ton of circles and then plops down on the ground.* That was a lot of running! Now, I will............................FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Runs and then jumps and flaps wings*

-10 minutes later-

One. More. Try. *runs as fast as he possibly can and takes off* Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I'm flying!!!!!! Yay! I made it 5 feet! *plops onto ground* Phew. That was hard. The most I made it besides for the last one was two feet. POOEY!!!!!!! Oh wow. If I left at 12:47 and now it is 1:13. Well, if I do the math, I would've been here...........1 hour and 78 minutes! (He doesn't know that 60 minutes are in an hour. He thinks that it's 100 minutes in an hour.) Bye bye readers. See you later.

Sorry if this is a short chapter. I can't think of a lot of things. Please vote, comment, and FOLLOW!!!!!!!


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