3rd year Chapter 6 going to hosmeade

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(Time skiped)


It was snowing at Hogwarts the temperature go more colder for some people I didn't think it was that cold because I was a cold one but I still have to pretend I'm normal

I went to the Gryffindor commen room to find Harry, Ron and Hermione to hangout with them since I can go outside now more often then usual

I saw then at the couch Hermione was reading a book Ron was half asleep and Harry was just staring at the fireplace I went up to them

"Hey guys" I greed them "hey" said the boys who sounded like they were dying of boredom

"You guys want to do something fun" I asked them Ron opened his eyes and Hermione closed her book "sure, what do you want to do"? said Hermione "want to go to hosmeade" I asked

Ron jumped up from the couch with excitement "yes"! said Ron sarcastically "sure" said Harry

"Well hurry up and get everything you need I be outside the castle waiting for you three" i said they nodded

Harry, Ron and Hermione went to their dorms to get their things and I went outside... after a few minutes they all came outside

"Y/N aren't you cold, it's freezing out here"? said Hermione I was just wearing a heavy jacket with black leggings and white boots "no, not really"

"You sure" said Hermione "yes Hermione now stop being a mum and let's go" I said

Harry couldn't go to hosmeade, he brought his invisibility cloak so he wouldn't get caught

When we arrived Ron wanted to go to honeydukes to get sweets ofc we got plenty for all of us even for Harry which was under the invisibility cloak

We went shopping at hosmeade it was so much fun but I wanted to save the best for last "let's go try butterbeer" I said "good idea Y/N" said Harry

We went to the three Broomsticks we all took a sit i sat next to Harry the waitress came to our table "4 butterbeers please" I ordered she nodded and I payed for them after a few minutes our drinks came

We all took a sip of it "this is bloody amazing" said Ron we all nodded "it's ture what people say this is delicious" said Hermione has she took another sip of her butterbeer

"You got a little" said Ron showing Hermione where she had whipped cream on her face Hermione immediately used her sleeves to take it off

I started to laugh "what"? said Hermione confuse at me I shook my head no while smiling


We were all done with our drinks, we go outside to see the shrieking Shack far away because Hermione says it's haunted

Someone taped my shoulder I turn around to see Harry "yes" I said "can I talk to you Y/N"? asked Harry I nodded

We went a little far away from Hermione and Ron "what do you want to tell me Harry"? I asked him

He sighted "on the train why did the dementors wanted to attack me"? said Harry "well dementors go to people who have suffered the most in their past and like you have that's why" I answered him

"But why did it change its mind and wanted to attack you instead"? said Harry "well I did have some dark moments in my life before but I can't tell you" I answered him again

"Well thanks Y/N" said Harry smiling he gives you a hug and hug him back you slowly pulled away "we have to go back before Ron and Hermione think something happened to us I giggle

Me and Harry walk back to Ron and Hermione to see Malfoy with his little minions with him

"Ooo look who it is the perfect little couple" said Draco "shut up Malfoy" said Ron

"Oh look Wesley trying to defend his girlfriend" said Draco he starts laughing and so does his minions

"I've got an idea" I said I whispered the plan in is ear he nodded and I went up to them

"Oh hey Y/N are you going to help us make fun of Wesley and Granger" said Draco still laughing "no" I said

"Don't tell me you're still friends with these losers"

"Ya I am" I said "Hey"! said Ron and Hermione whispered shouted "just go with it" I told them they nod

As a snow ball came out no where and hit Draco then more now balls started hitting them me, Hermione and Ron started laughing

One of them got his pants down and the other one was spinning around as then something or 'someone' pulled Malfoy legs and started dragging him

Right when Malfoy was about to run away "pain" I mumbled under my breath and fell down he was in so much pain which I loved

It's like if someone used the crusius curse on you but 2x as pain Ron and Hermione's eyes widen they had no idea on what just happened

"My father will hear about this" said Draco mad at us

'Someone' grabbed Hermione's hair and one of the strings from Ron's hat "Harry" said Hermione as she laughed

"Bloddy hell Harry that was not funny" said Ron we all started to laugh we eventually got tired so we went back to the castle

A/N thank you all so much for everything and everyone who was been reading this book I know I don't update all the time because I'm busy with school and all of that stuff but I still try to keep updating for you guys but like school is almost over for me I can have more time to update and write more for this book but i hope you liked the book and have a good day or night :)

Y/N Cullen (Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now