Come to me

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Levi's pale naked body was resting against Eren's as they kissed tenderly. There was nothing lustful about the moment, it was a romantic moment. Levi looking at Eren's emerald eyes with tenderness as he touched his cheek softly with his hand, earnest smiles brightening up both their faces and sweet nothings being whispered.

Eren woke up and felt stupid for having a dream such as that. Days passed since he last heard from Levi, mostly because he didn't want to. He knew that he did not wanted to feed his feelings towards the raven especially after he didn't bother looking for him and had also made clear that he wanted nothing more than sex. He had felt particularly alone that week, Armin and Jean spent most of the time making out and Mikasa spent time with her brother. He enjoyed spending time with Connie and Sasha but after he told them about the raven they would tease him constantly about it, which was particularly annoying since he was trying to forget about him.

One lonely night in his dorm, Eren found himself staring at the ceiling, Armin had spent the night at Jean's and he wasn't able to fall asleep. Naturally the subject of his desires appeared in his mind. Flashback of his encounters with Levi left him feeling bothered and uneasy so he lowered his hand to touch his cock, which was already getting hard just from thinking of the raven. He palmed himself above his pajamas and as his breath began to become uneven, he placed his hand inside his pants and began stroking himself while he whispered Levi's name, imagining he was the one touching him and taking him in in his warm mouth. With that thought he came in his own hand. Out of nowhere as if he had known what was going on, Levi texted him.

Text Messages:

Levi: Hey, care to join me for a drink?

Eren: Okay

Levi: Where we met

It was probably because of the heat of the moment because it was against his better judgment to say yes, but he couldn't stop himself. Afterall, he thought, it was only drinks, he knew Levi would've been direct if he wanted something else, and it wasn't like Eren was his only option. So he changed his clothes and walked to The Kraken.

As soon as he arrived he saw Levi sitting at a table, his face buried in his hands and a half empty beer in front of him. The sight made Eren rush towards him

Eren: Levi? Are you okay?

Levi: Of course I am, brat

Although he replied with a smirk, his usual confidence wasn't there and his eyes looked as if he had been crying.

Eren: What happened?

Levi: Can we just drink, please?

Eren: I don't think I've ever heard you say that word before... "please"

Levi: I don't think I've ever been asked how I am before

Eren: I'm sorry

Levi: What for? I don't want your pity

Eren: Could you please just tell me what happened?

Levi: Nothing. Exactly nothing, that night at the party when I went with Petra, nothing happened.

Eren: Okay... what does that mean? I'm sorry you didn't get laid?

But Eren didn't want to hear about Levi's flings and was actually happy nothing had happened. Levi on the other hand was looking at Eren with resentment even though he laughed at the brunette's response.

Levi: It means that I couldn't get it up.

Eren blushed and Levi started laughing frantically, kind of scaring Eren and made him wonder what he had to do with any of that.

Levi: And then, I met Erwin, twice, then some other people, and again, nothing fucking happened. Until one night when I was by myself, do you know why?

Eren: I'm familiar with the process...

Levi once more laughed at Eren's comment who was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable and ordered a drink.

Levi: I thought of you. Then my beautiful, big cock returned to its glorious, regular self, why am I telling you this? You already know how it looks like

Eren: Yes, why ARE you telling me this? Did you ask me here to talk about your cock?

Levi: I asked you here because I'm telling you I like you and I can't stop thinking about you.

Levi looked slightly embarrassed and Eren felt his heart stop, thinking about pinching himself, unsure if this was actually happening.

Eren: I think you already know I like you too, Levi

Levi: Okay, okay, stop it. I don't want to hold hands, send cute texts and go on dates.

Eren: Then what do you want?

Levi: I want to fuck you out of my system. I want to do every little dirty thing to you until I get tired, then I don't want to see, hear or think of you. That's why you're here

Eren: I'm not a whore, Levi

Levi: We're always somebody's whore.

Eren: Wait, does this mean you were crying because you have feelings for me?

Levi: I'm not even going to bother answering that.

Levi drank a shot and Eren gave a sip to his drink trying to assimilate what he just learned, he couldn't help but to smile.

Levi: So, do you want to go to the bathroom or should we go to your dorm?

Eren: No. If you want any of that you'll have to earn it.

Levi: Don't get cocky. What do you want?

Eren: I want you to be kind to me. I think this is some sort of cosmic karma and you have to pay for it.

Levi: The fuck are you talking about?

Eren: Levi I think you're beautiful, I told you since I met you, you are fucking great at sex, you're funny, smart and fearless but you've been using me since we met and if we do this it's going to be my way.

Levi: You sensitive baby.

Eren: If you want me, then I want us to go to your dorm

Levi: I live in an apartment off campus.

Eren: I don't mind

Levi: Ugh. Whatever, let's go

Levi and Eren left the bar and walked, Eren had no idea what he was doing but he decided to keep it up. As soon as Levi started walking he left the brunette a few steps behind, so Eren reached in and took his hand. Levi turned around and looked at him in shock.

Levi: What are you doing?

Eren: I don't know where we're going and I don't want to get lost

Levi: Jesus fucking christ

Eren: Are you being mean, Levi?

Levi groaned in despair and held Eren's hand very tightly so that the hand holding was uncomfortable and not at all romantic but Eren enjoyed it anyway.

NOTES: SMUT in the next chapter

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