"ready when you are." i say, following behind tokoyami who was walking up to the doorway. i hold the straps of my f/c backpack and walk out of the room, and shinsou leads us down the hallway to class 1c's dorms. the walk down the hall and through the courtyard was relatively quiet; i wasn't really paying attention to the boys's exchanges. i glanced out of the glass windows in the hallway, where, in the bright green courtyard, sat jirou and momo laughing amongst themselves, seated on a purple picnic blanket. usually, the light shining through the windows would make me squint my eyes and make my head throb, but today wasn't one of those days. bless mina and her tylenol.
at the end of the hallway was the door that connected 1c's dorms to the main hallway of the school. the purple-haired boy pushes on the door, and holds it.
"after you." shinsou says with a faint smile, motioning his hand through the door.
"thank you." i whisper back. cute and polite? pinch me. swiping the smirk off of my face, i walk through the doors and i frown at the sight before me.
"i don't know what i expected their dorms to look like. i could say i'm disappointed.. but they look exactly like 1a's." i said, deadpanning. i run my fingers through my hair and look up at the tall ceilings of the building, then glance at tokoyami.
"y/n, do you really think that ua could afford to make all of the housing additions look different?" the raven said with a shallow chuckle.
"i'm sorry that you were let down." the purple-haired boy said with a chuckle, leading us down the strip of doors until we reach the room that i assume leads to his dorm. taking the purple lanyard out of his back pocket, shinsou fiddles with his keys until he settles on one, unlocking the door with it, then pushing it open.
i follow behind tokoyami into shinsou's room. the white-walled room was pretty bare, save for the packed-up boxes littering the hardwood floor, waiting to be moved. in the corner, by the glass sliding door, shinsou had a black desk with a black and purple rolly chair. against the wall was a backpack propped against the wall? for some reason. but whatever.
i slid my f/c backpack off and placed it beside the one propped against the wall, and shinsou did the same, placing his lilac one beside mine, then tokoyami placed his black satchel on top.
"let's start with the desk since it'll be the hardest to move." tokoyami suggests. shinsou nods in agreement and grabs his laptop, charger and mouse from the desk, placing them neatly on the purple rolling chair.
"come on the other side and we can cut through the courtyard into 1a's dorms; so we don't have to go all the way around the school." tokoyami adds.
"maybe it would've been easier to get uraraka to help.." i mutter to tokoyami, and he shrugs. i grab the rolly chair and begin rolling it down the hallway, following shinsou and tokoyami out of the door. i quickly run ahead of the two to hold the door to the courtyard open for them.
"thanks." shinsou says, tokoyami following suit.
"i'm the designated door opener for today." i say proudly, earning a chuckle from both tokoyami and shinsou. i shut the door behind tokoyami, and grab the back of shinsou's chair, rolling it down the cement sidewalk.
i made my way past the boys, to the doors leading towards 1a's dorm rooms. momo and jirou watched as the boys hauled the desk on the sidewalk, and i smiled and waved at them, getting waves in return.
turning back toward the entrance of 1a's dorms, i held the door open, pushing the chair out in front of me and into the building.
"be careful, the doorway is kinda narrow." i warn, holding the door open. faint chuckles echoed behind me, and i turn to see uraraka and midoriya walking out of the lounge. i give the pair a small smile and wave.
"hi y/n!" uraraka says softly, with books in her arms as she follows midoriya out of the door. the green-haired boy waves at me, glancing over at the two boys trailing behind.
"study sesh in the courtyard if you guys want to come! momo, jirou, uraraka and i are all going to be there." midoriya says to the three of us with a nod.
"we're kinda busy right now, but if we finish before you guys leave i'll definitely stop by. math has me wanting to bang my head into a wall." i chuckled, and waved. "i'll text you guys if we decide to come by, okay?"
"kay!" the two added, and they make their way towards momo and jirou in the courtyard.
"we got it." grunts shinsou as they slide the desk through the door, and i closed the door behind them. we continue walking past the lounge and down the strip until we get to mineta's old room. i reached out and jiggle the doorknob, with no avail.
"shinsou, do you have the key?" i ask. of course he has the key this is his room. i'm so dumb.
"yeah, grab my lanyard. it's in my back pocket." he grunts, and i reach to grab the purple lanyard from his uniform's pocket, quickly unlocking the door so they didn't have to carry the desk for any longer.
"where do you want to put it?" tokoyami asks.
"back in the corner by the back door is fine. same place as it was in my old dorm." shinsou says. i push the door behind me and roll the chair inside as the boys place the desk down. mindlessly hanging the purple lanyard around my neck. more cardboard boxes littered the hardwood floors, and in the middle of room, sat a deep purple rug. a black guitar was hung on the wall, along with a few records, tapestries, posters, as well as led lights that hung from the ceiling. his room actually looks chill as hell. stopping my marveling, i take a deep breath and exhale quietly. rolling a chair across campus is hard work!
"now let's go move those last few boxes!" i say to the boys, who have clearly broken a sweat from hauling the desk around. i place the laptop, mouse and charger carefully on the table, and push the chair in before heading for the door, shinsou and tokoyami trailing behind. shinsou shuts the now-unlocked door behind him, and lets out a sigh of relief.
"thank you both for helping me, i can do the rest by myself if you both have something else to do. your friends seemed like they wanted you guys to join their study session." shinsou says passively, running a hand through his violet locks as the three of us walk out past the courtyard and back to 1c's dorms.
"it's no problem at all, we're glad to help." tokoyami replies, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
"yeah! it's no problem. i don't really have anything better to do anyway. we can study at any other time. plus, you seem cool!" i reassure shinsou with a smile. his expression seems to soften at this, but it was kind of hard to tell.
"by the way, shinsou. i've been meaning to ask, but what is your quirk? i'm curious, everyone said it was cool! but i didn't get to see it at all during combined training. i dunno, i was dead or something." i say with a frown.
"maybe if you knew how to control your quirk, y/n, you would have been able to see shinsou fight on monday. he was the one who saved midoriya when his quick went all berserk. seems like recovery girl's office is like a second home to you, kaminari, and midoriya." tokoyami remarks smartly, sneering.
"keep denki and midoriya outta this. and maybe i'll start to use you as target practice, bird man. you know my quirk can do more than just give me migraines." i stick my hand out at him, "also i literally don't want to hear it, as if darkshadow hasn't fucked you up before." i say to him with a grin plastered on my face.
darkshadow peers from behind tokoyami and snickers, waving his shadowy tendrils at me. hey bestie! i echo to darkshadow, smiling to him. he slinks back behind tokoyami bashfully.
shinsou snickers to himself and pushes the door to 1c's dorms, holding it open for us. i walk through the doorway, underneath shinsou's arm, tokoyami filing in behind me and closed the door behind him.
"i'll never understand how you're able to communicate with darkshadow without touching him. he's not even a person." tokoyami mumbles.
"thanks." i say to shinsou. the tall, purple-haired boy blinks at me, then tokoyami, to darkshadow, then back to me, before he leads us back to his old dorm room.
he's probably thinking 'who the fuck is darkshadow?'. shinsou pushes the door open, and we follow behind him. he turns back to me after placing all of his thoughts together, a puzzled look on his face. maybe he thinks i'm weird. like, 'why does she want to know about my quirk so bad?' and shit
"anyway, i have a brainwashing quirk. it's kind of hard to explain, but if i ask someone a question and they reply, i have control of them for some amount of time. it depends on how strong their mental is really." shinsou explains, picking up a box and stacking it atop another. me and tokoyami do the same until we've stacked up all of the boxes.
"brainwashing? that sounds so badass! i bet it's hella useful in battle too. man, now i really wish that i got to see you fight!" i say, following tokoyami and shinsou out of the dorm and into the hall, shinsou leaves the door cracked behind him.
on the way back to 1a's dorms, tokoyami holds all the doors open- with the help of darkshadow, of course.
"i'm excited to see your quirk in action someday though. hopefully my head won't be reeling the next time i get to see you use your quirk." i chuckle, "you know, we both kind of have mind-fucking quirks." i add as we arrive to the front door of shinsou's 1a dorm. shinsou chuckled and pushes the door open with his foot and walks in. placing the boxes on the ground when we get inside.
"do you want help unpacking and putting your things away?" i ask softly, stretching the stiffness out of my arms. shinsou shrugs.
"i just need to build this book case and i should be good, i can unpack everything else by myself. they're just boxes of books and stuff." shinsou says, peeling the tape off of the box for the ikea book case. "would you guys be able to help me?" shinsou asks.
"of course." tokoyami replies, and we all get to work on the book case. surprisingly, it was easy, giving very much bob the builder.
we placed the finished product against the wall, marveling at it for a second until the silence was broken by a loud ding! from tokoyami's back pocket.
tokoyami pulls his phone out and reads over the text. "i would love to stay, but todoroki and i have a meeting with hawks today. i will talk to you all later." he hands his black iphone to shinsou, "could i have your phone number to put in my contacts? we should hang out sometime." he asks.
"of course." shinsou says, and types his number into tokoyami's contacts.
"i'm gonna run and grab our backpacks so you can get ready and grab your shit 'yami." i say, and hurry back to 1c's dorms one last time. the lanyard around my neck clinks against my chest as i hurry down the courtyard. shinsou, huh. he's actually super cool, who would've thought.. he's for sure an upgrade from mineta. fuck that dude.
when i get to shinsou's old dorm, i push open the door and grab my bag, tokoyami's bag, and shinsou's bags. clink! i hear the sound of glass? when i pick up one of the bags, but i ignore it, unaware of whose bag was making the noise. i turn and walk out of the room, shutting the door behind me. i began fast-walking down the corridor and out of 1c's dorms one last time. i carried the bags gingerly down to 1a's dorms, now, afraid to break something.
after i push through the doors and walk down 1a's dorm hallway, i see tokoyami is standing in the doorway of his room, and walk up to him. i softly hand him his bag and wave goodbye, hoping that the fragile object was no longer in my possession.
i watch as he throws his bag into his room, then checks his phone and shoves it into his pocket. the raven shuts and locks his door behind him, rushing to the exit to meet todoroki and hawks.
"see you tomorrow." he calls and waves at me from the doorway, darkshadow waving behind him.
okay so the glass is definitely in one of shinsou's bags.. i wave back before turning toward shinsou's room.
the draft from tokoyami opening the door makes a familiar aroma waft through the air. i look around, to find an empty corridor. okay. weird.
i bring the fabric of my sweater up and inhale. "not me today." i murmur out loud, making my way down the hall again. shrugging as i walk back into shinsou's room, i push the door open to find the purple-haired boy unpacking books and placing them on the newly built bookshelf. "i hope i didn't make him too late, i tried to hurry." i said aloud, and lightly placed our bags on the floor beside the closet, hearing that clinking glass sound again. what the hell is that?
this time, i catch a big whiff of that familiar smell, and i immediately know. okay, so i'm not imagining things. i look up at shinsou and panic flashes in his eyes for a moment, at you, then at the bag, then back at you. "do you have glass in one of these bags?" i ask, puzzled.
"you didn't see what was in my bag, did you?" he asks in a slight defensive tone. this takes me aback.
"why would i go through your shit? i was just trying to be nice and grab your backpack for you." i then chuckle "but i heard glass and got scared because i didn't want my clumsy ass to break anything." i sigh. "but i do have a good guess of what's in your bag." i smirked at the violet-haired boy, who was staring at me in astonishment and fear. mostly fear.
he's probably thinking 'i finally got into class 1a and now i'm going to be expelled for having weed on campus.' it was hard to resist reaching out and tapping the boy in front of me; so i could read his thoughts.
"don't worry, i won't tell on you. you look so pale, like you're gonna pass out." i say as i walk up to my bag, unzipping it and revealing a small, rainbow colored vape device.
"dab pen?" shinsou says, almost gasping, with his mouth agape.
"dab pen." i say with a smile.
"i didn't know class 1a kids smoked." shinsou hiss-whispers, walking over to the door and shutting it so no one would hear.
"i guess there's a lot about class 1a that you haven't learned about yet. welcome to ua's hero course shinsou." i smile again, "we should smoke and hang out or something sometime. the only time i'm ever able to smoke here is late as hell at night, when everyone's asleep. i dunno how it was in 1c's dorms, but mr. aizawa is almost always patrolling at night, at least on school nights. so you kinda gotta be careful if you like to wander the halls while you're fried." i warn, shinsou just lets out a sigh of pure relief.
"at least you're not going to snitch on me. i was so scared." shinsou says, "and we should smoke sometime for sure. i have the worst time sleeping, so i'll be up late anyway." he said as he places another book on his shelf.
"you're risky, bringing bud instead of sticking with carts or dabs, you know." i chuckle, sitting down beside a stack of boxes on the purple rug.
light my love - greta van fleet
and to those i love, thanks for sticking around - $uicideboy$
landslide - fleetwood mac
mellon collie and the infinite sadness - the smashing pumpkins
like real people do - hoizer
no guns allowed - snoop lion

violet, like the sunset (hitoshi shinsou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now