Chapter Five: A Boundary Not Crossed

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Shawn's parents had long since left and Shawn had found himself staring down at Raven who was fast asleep. She hadn't awoken during his conversation with his parents. He knew he would have to tell her the news but he wasn't sure how he could. This was something he never wanted to happen.
He knew that the Underworld had been out of balance but he didn't realize how badly it had gotten. If what his father said was true, that would mean that Gabriel's life was putting everyone else in jeopardy. Raven...Penelope..even Kara. This was not going to be an easy task to accomplish but he would have to find a way around this somehow. He couldn't take Gabriel's life. But then again, finding their way around things had kind of gotten them into this mess to begin with. " There has to be another way though " Shawn thought to himself as Raven rolled over, her eyes slowly beginning to open and seeing that Shawn was away from her. " Good Morning beautiful " Shawn smiled as he stood up and got back in bed with Raven and kissed her gently.
" Hey there beautiful  " Raven smiled as his lips collided with hers. " Why didn't you sleep? " Raven pulls Shawn to her. They needed their rest and she wasn't about to let him find a way out of giving her cuddles.
" I..I couldn't sleep" he answered, trying to not worry Raven who could immediately pick up on something being wrong. She could always tell when something was wrong with him, something he wasn't to much of a fan of though he could do the same with her.
" I..I don't know how to explain it " Shawn looks down at Ravens Chin, not being able to look her in the eyes from the pain he was feeling. He knew her heart would break if he had to tell her the news. But he also couldn't lie to her. He would never do such a thing to Raven.
" Shawn just tell me what is wrong and we will fix it together" She offers, trying to reassure him and make him feel comfortable enough to confess what troubled his mind.
It took a few moments of silence before Shawn could bring himself to look Raven back in the eyes and explain what his father had come to tell him. Raven listened and could now understand why Shawn was so troubled.
" I don't want to do it..I don't want to Raven. But I can't risk our family either" Shawn was looking for Raven to have something comforting to say though she was at a loss for words herself.
" So if Gabriel is alive...there is nothing we can do. The world itself will fall apart. All of us will die? " Raven asked, her voice low.
" Yes " Shawn answered, both of their hearts weighing heavy.

" can't happen " Raven jumps up and begins clutching her head.
" Raven? " Shawn jumped up, completely concerned for her well being.
She seemed to not be in pain but more frustrated than anything else from what Shawn could tell.
" I know what this is. I know what this is " Raven paces back and forth faster and faster as Shawn tries to reach out to stop her.
" What are you talking about? " Shawn wanted to calm her down but he wasn't sure how to do that without holding her down.
" have to know what I'm talking about? Think about it! The prophecy " Raven shouts and finally stops pacing to turn to Shawn.
" Prophecy? "

" Yes the prophecy. Kara and Gabriel are not the first two who were suppose to unite the world together. But all the other attempts failed. Every single one of them. But Gabriel and Kara were different. They were hybrids and they were suppose to be the last.." Raven explains.
" Well to my knowledge they are the last? " Shawn answered, remembering what Prophecy she spoke of.
" Yeah well, what you might not know is that.." Raven hesitated, covering her mouth with her fingers.
" Raven..just tell me " he just wanted answers. If there was something that could help prevent all of this then he wanted to know it all.
" Gabriel and Kara weren't the first one's sent to earth" Raven says.
" They...weren't? " Shawn asked, not remembering hearing of this from the Prophecy.
" Yes. See..well..Gabriel and Kara are a part of a long lineage of things like this happening. And everytime it happens, it creates something and destroys something. Supposedly, that is how the Underworld came into being made. The first two, the first two children who were destined to bring about another world unified, and didn't follow through it. It caused that entire world to be destroyed and then from what we do know, The Underworld came into being. Alot of people have disputed this but it's all in ancient texts"
" So that means we are doomed then.." Shawn Sighs and falls back on the bed. Raven begins pacing again, getting deeper and deeper into thought. " You don't understand...if they fail then that means that two more have to take their place. And if they have kids..then their kid and - "
" Penelope" Shawn cuts her off.
" what I say we do, is that we don't kill Gabriel..and don't give in to what the world wants. Instead we find another solution" Raven begins thinking even more deeply of a solution.
" Well wait..couldn't it just be broken if Kara and Gabriel don't have kids? " Shawn proposes which Caught Ravens attention.
" I mean..technically. But this is so much bigger than all of us and the world might have a counter plan against that. I would say that offing Gabriel would make sense but there is a chance he has already gotten her pregnant" Raven mumbles.
" Hey! I thought we said we weren't going to kill him?" Shawn panicked but Raven dismissed his concerns quickly. " I'm just saying that it wouldn't make a difference and wouldn't solve anything. The only thing we can realistically do is make sure that Gabriel and Kara are safe. And figure out how to bring everything back. That means bringing the Lycans back, and the witches and the vampires and forcing them all to work together. We would of course have to dethrone the Vampire leaders and allow Kara to take her place as their leader. Which would Unite two Kingdoms right there and with Gabriel. That's all the Kingdoms" Raven was almost certain she had figured this all out.
" Wouldn't it make more sense to let Gwen take over her father's seat? I mean it would be easier. And then Gabriel and Kara could just work with her and that would fix all the issues " Shawn pointed out.
" Well yes, I guess that can work too. But we would have to even see if she would even be interested in taking over for her father. She would would leading an entire Kingdom which she would be more than capable of doing but whether she would want to or not is a whole other issue" Raven explained as Shawn looked over to her.
" Yeah. And then we have to consider the fact that the Vampires themselves haven't been seen or heard from in a while which can't be a good sign. And on top of that, this is all under the premise that it could even work. We don't know how specific the world is, and this might not be what it wants" Shawn was worried their efforts would not be enough. " Yeah but we have to try. It is better than the alternative, is it not? " Raven asked to which Shawn nodded. " Yeah"
Raven nodded. " Now the first step, we need to go find Kara and Gabriel and let them know.
" Let's go! " Raven smiles.

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