CHAPTER 2: russian roulette

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A/N: woopsy daisy kinda forgot that i was supposed to be writing this book, i got distracted with other stuff and forgot it even existed , but im back now :)) anyways enjoy this chapter

second person p.o.v

you open your eyes slowly as a painful feeling strikes your head and throat, like someone had bashed you with sharp jagged rocks, it was agonizing. you tried to look around but everything was a slanted blur as your head rocked from left to right trying to adjust until you suddenly saw a figure and you immediately knew it was the boy who gave you the funny feeling in your stomach. he rested his palm on you forehead and gently pushed your head down "you shouldn't get up so easily, otherwise all the blood will rush to your head and make you sick again" you felt the warmness and softness of his hand. it felt nice. the feeling returned to your stomach...except this time it wasn't such a bad sensation. it was the best feeling you had felt in years to be frank. you had never felt this way about another person before, and you didn't want this feeling to leave. as you vision started to focus you blinked at him dumbfounded, he opened his mouth to speak again "oh by the way, im nishinoya yū! its nice to meet you." 

you stared at him for a while trying to process what he had said, you had forgotten how to talk properly due to being mute for almost half your life. you took a breathe as your mind raced and thought of all of the possibilities on how you could screw up again, it was a similar feeling to playing russian roulette. you finally managed to muster up the courage to let out a soft "my name is (Y/N) (L/N) its a pleasure to meet you..." you thought to yourself how risky that was and silently thanked yourself for all the times you had read literature instead of socialising and not tripping up and making yourself look like a fool, you watched the boy smile and you could feel yourself heat up slightly as a light dust of pink grazed your cheeks, you felt yourself smile back as your heart started to feel warm, you felt......appreciated. oh but it felt way more than was an intense feeling  almost like a burning desire. you dwelled on it for a little and suddenly it came to you. it was

                                                                                      l  o  v  e~

" it's way too early to be feeling this way..." you thought to yourself. you had little to no experience in love but you definitely knew it was too early to feel this way about someone you just met. but you couldn't shake the feeling, it was the best you'd felt in years. being in his mere presence was like euphoria .  you didn't want it to leave. and you weren't going to let it. "he's the one...he'll save me from this hell., no what the hell is he doing!?" you thought as you watched him get up from sitting on the bed and walk to the door "it was nice chattin' with you but i need to go now, ill see you around!i play volleyball so if you want you can come and watch me play sometime" he winked and waved his hand with a smile and closed the door. you expression shifted back to your old state, hollow. "nishinoya...."  you said to yourself as you looked down at your the cotton covers that laced your body and gripped the sheet "ha...haha...hahahaha. ill make you mine"  you smiled to yourself as you hugged yourself, the smiling contorting into dejected look as tears begin to fall, the warm salty tears plaquing your face "i won't let you go..." you whispered to yourself. as you began to slowly hunch over into your original depressive state "he'll save me" you repeated to yourself over and over. 

h  e           w   i   l   l           s   a   v   e         m   e

p   l   e   a   s   e           s   a   v   e          m   e

p   l   e   a   s   e

n  i  s  h  i  n  o  y  a 

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