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6 years.

He avoided the same places for six years like a plague, and for what reason? He did not know that well himself.

All he knows was that everyone had a soulmate, someone destined to be with for life, someone who will love and be loved, but to him, it was someone who didn't deserve to be with him.

Not as in that person wasn't good enough for him but the other way around.

Xiao did not believe that he was worthy of love, neither giving nor receiving. He simply could not love. He felt that he did not deserve to be loved.

And so, the words embedded in his palm became his living nightmare. The letters that were said to be the first words spoken by one's soulmate and that the moment they meet, the words will disappear.

Unfortunately, even Xiao couldn't avoid his fate and he encountered his soulmate unexpectedly- not in the places he avoided so much but in a place he had to inevitably pass by to head to school.

The train station was busy as always, especially on a sunny Monday, and Xiao had pulled his hood over, his eyes squinting even as the sunlight was blocked. He could never get accustomed to the outside world after so many years of hiding in his apartment.

While waiting for the train, he began to stare at the ground. A few thoughts of what he was going to eat and do later drifted in his mind for a while.

Meanwhile, a group of friends giggled near the pondering man, their hushed voices excitedly overlapping each other.

"Truth or dare?!"

"Hah, is that even a question?"

"Just answer!"

"Dare, duh!"

"I dare you to flirt with that stalker-looking dude over there!"

You looked at where your friend was pointing. The man was average in height, has a slim figure, and wore dark clothes along with his hood that made him seem suspicious.

"Seriously? That's the best you got?" you rolled your eyes, scoffing before heading over to the man.

Your friends all knew that you were the type to flirt around from one guy to another. However, they did not know the exact reason why and never questioned it.

Perhaps, just maybe, this man could be it, you thought.

With a tap on his shoulder, he turned, his breath hitching at the proximity.

You looked into his eyes for a good three seconds, enraptured by the unique golden irises shining like the very blinding sun in the sky.

"Hey, uh..." You started, slightly panicking inside when examining the other's pale yet attractive face. "What's your shoe size? You could be my solemate!"

The cheesy lines left your lips naturally as if said a thousand times or more. You always hoped to seek the one for you but no matter how many times you shamelessly flirted, the words on your palm never faded and the person you wished for every time the words slipped off your tongue never came.

Until today.

The blank expression on the man's face froze and his lashes trembled ever so slightly at the stranger's words, bewildered. With wide eyes, he stared until he could no longer bear the rapid heartbeat in his chest, nudging him to reply.

"I... I don't wear shoes."

The answer was coincidentally drowned out by the incoming train and he quickly hopped on, scared to his bones.

You stood there in a daze, trying to process what he had said. The shape of his mouth as he spoke lingered in your mind. Then, your group of friends surrounded you, demanding an explanation for what happened.

However, you did not say a word. Instead, you smiled to yourself the entire day, as if you were head over heels for someone. Along with your small giggles, your eyes glanced over to your palm multiple times.

What was once there had now vanished, but the words etched on the skin remained in your mind.

"Don't wear shoes...pfft..."

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