Fic 1~ Hold me through the cold

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Ethan was freezing.

He had practically collapsed in the snow, he could have sworn he heard Miranda's voice, so he followed the sound, but it led him nowhere.

Trauma does funny things to you, Ethan knew that all too well but sometimes it caught him off guard, and ended in him laying in the snow with no coat, no clue of where he had wandered, and no idea how long it would take Heisenberg to find him.

After some time, a rough voice called out from the distance,

"Ethan? Jesus, Ethan!" Called Heisenberg, picking up his pace until he was kneeling by Ethans side.

"What the hell happened? What are you doing out here?" He asked, sounding uncharacteristically worried. He pulled off his coat and draped it around Ethan before picking up the smaller man with no struggle at all.

There was no reply, unless you can call an exhausted groan a reply.

Heisenberg started walking back to the factory, hoping that between his body heat and his coat, Ethan would be okay until he could get him somewhere warm. He had stopped him from wandering off before and almost felt guilty for not noticing he was gone sooner. This could have been avoided if he had just been a bit more damn aware of him.

Upon returning to the factory, Heisenberg took Ethan right to his room, or more accurately, their room, hell, it even had Roses cot in it. He carefully lay him down on the bed and got some blankets on him. After adding a few more chunks of wood to the fireplace he sat at the edge of the bed, looking at Ethan, unsure if he was still awake or if he had passed out in his arms on the way back.

"Karl?" Ethan mumbled, opening his eyes and looking up at him. His hair was frozen by the snow and he looked pale and exhausted, but he was awake.

Thank fuck he was awake.

"I'm so cold... Can you- uh-" He said hesitantly, hoping Heisenberg would understand what he wanted. The pair were still warming up to intimacy, mostly for Heisenberg's sake, so even in a situation like this, Ethan felt awkward pressing him for closeness, even if he was literally freezing.

But Karl understood what Ethan wanted, and needed, and was happy to oblige. Within moments, Karl had kicked off his shoes and joined Ethan under the covers, cuddling him up to himself the instant he could. He was shocked by how cold he was, which only made him hold Ethan closer.

"What the hell were you doing out there? If I hadn't found you when I did-" Karl cut himself off, not wanting to think about what could have happened.

Ethan was the first person he had cared about in a very long time and the thought of losing him was almost too much for him to handle. The return of love into his life was still something he didn't know how to feel about. It made him vulnerable, susceptible to emotions that get in his way. But it was something too nice to give up, even if he never expected to care so much about anyone. And besides, what was there for it to get in the way of anymore? He had nothing to worry about anymore, no more need for lycans and experiments and the awful machines.

"Hey, I'm okay, just kinda cold." Ethan said with a small laugh, snapping Heisenberg out of his thoughts. Heisenberg's response was a deep sigh and a nod as he bit his tongue on how Ethan very clearly nearly died. He knew Ethan didn't need to hear it right now.

"And I, well I swear I heard Miranda's voice, I know she's dead but it sounded so real... I had to check." He sighed, pressing his head closer into Karls chest.

"I just had to be sure, I can't lose Rose again..." Heisenberg just nodded as Ethan spoke, he wasn't all that good at knowing what to say, never had been, but the years of isolation can't have helped. But he had to say something, he couldn't just stay silent.

"She's dead, I promise you that. I made damn sure of it. Next time you hear that shit, tell me, I can tell you if it's real or not." He knew his response wasn't the softest, but it was the best he could do.

He tried to make up for this by pulling Ethan a little closer and placing a very awkward kiss on his head. He really wasn't good at anything intimate, it had only been a few months and he had a lot of walls to break down in his head, but he tried his best, for Ethans sake.

Ethan nodded into his chest, too exhausted to keep talking, all he wanted was to rest and warm up. Karl knew this, and didn't mind staying there until Ethan was okay, he didn't care if that was a few minutes or a few hours, he would do whatever was needed, and laying in bed holding the man who had changed his life for the better and who he would soon come to terms with loving didn't sound half bad anyway.

Just some shitty Heisenberg x Ethan ficsWhere stories live. Discover now