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Third person POV

The two men stood nose to nose in the centre of the small room. A fire crackles merrily in the hearth, providing both warmth and light to the romantic space.

Outside the wind howls. It tears at the doors, shutters and any poor soul unfortunate enough to be caught in its raging fury. But the two men are safe from this hatred and anger that is on a warpath in their small area of love and compassion.

One of the men now walks away to sit on the divan that takes up one side of the box room. This is the only place that they do not have to hide their forbidden love, the only place that they can show their true selves, the only place where they can love one another. To the outside world they are friends, business partners, but here, in their own private world, they are more than that. Lovers. Soulmates.

The man who stayed standing crosses the room to his beloved and whispers a soft 'I love you' as their lips graze together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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