The Star and the World

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No one knows from where this story came, Bast said. It was already old when I heard it for the first time, and I've lived for millenniums. But the legend has it that this is how the Darkness entered the universe, the same darkness we are fighting now. The same darkness that invaded your world, Sky Queen Mitra of Ancara. And it's said that it holds the answers to how it will be defeated. Sit down, and I will tell it to you. As my ancestors told it to me.

A long, long time ago the Darkness came to this universe. A darkness that fed on the light, and all that was good and pure. A darkness that was devouring the stars and the suns, destroying all the light and joy.

The council of the galactic alliance gathered with beings from all the known universes. They searched for a way to protect the universe and the beings in the lower planes. They searched for a way to stop the Darkness from spreading.

And so they cast spells and weaved the net. They sent power and healing. But to no avail. The Darkness kept spreading and they couldn't stop it from devouring the stars and the suns.

And when all the light was almost gone, the council gathered again and the chairman said

- Enough! It's our duty as beings from the higher planes to protect the universe and to spread the Light. We need to stop this Darkness. We need to end it, whatever the price will be.

And a Star stepped forward and said,

- I can do this. I will find a way.

And so xe began to gather an army, calling all the beings from all the different star systems to come to their aide. Many of them responded to xyr call and they began to prepare for battle, to face the Darkness one last time.

It was a battle they didn't hope to win, but they couldn't let despair stop them from doing what they believed to be right. And so they set out, and the battle began.

The galactic alliance fought with all their might, but the darkness was strong and they couldn't destroy it, couldn't annihilate it.

As time went on the Star became desperate and xe decided to do the last act xe could. Xe would go to the heart of the Darkness and stop it there, to whatever cost. It was xyr duty as a being from the higher planes to protect the Universe.

And so xe set xyr intention and the spaceship began to accelerate to the center of the Darkness. But just as xe almost collided with it, the ship bolted and xe fell to xyr knees and everything went black.

When xe woke up xe was in a place xe'd never seen before.

Xe shook xyr head, still dizzy from what must have been a fall.

- What just happened?, xe thought.

Around xem were hills, mountains, and shrubs, something xe'd never laid xyr eyes on before.

Confused and lost, xe thought to xemself,

- Am I dead? I should be, but I don't think I am. Where am I? What is this place?

Xe gathered the powers from within, trying to teleport xemself back to the battle but nothing happened. Xe tried again but the hills and the mountains stayed the same in front of xyr eyes.

I can't go back, xe realized. I'm stuck here, in some unknown world.

Fury rose within xem at the thought of it. How could xe, a being like xem, be stuck in a world like this!? But then xe remembered xemself and calmed down. This was no way to behave for a conscious being of a higher plane. And xe began to ponder what could have happened.

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