I'm having your baby, its none of your business

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A/N: Here is another story for you! Now for  @di_solito_martyna that requested a fic involving cardiophilia, I tried to write one, but it just wasn't working out. I rewrote the fic about 3 times and I wasn't happy with any of it and I found it weird. Not the kink itself, but just trying to describe everything, so I gave up. I might revisit the idea, but for now this idea came to me in a dream, so enjoy this one instead!

This fic contains m-preg, which is basically male pregnancy (I'm sure you know what it is if you clicked on this story). IT'S NORMAL IN THIS STORY'S WORLD. Anyways, this one shot will go through the process of Larry finding out one of them is pregnant and going through the ups and downs of pregnancy. I think it turned out really fluffy and cute, so enjoy!

There is also some smut, pretty minimal, but there is one part where there is smut, so yeah. I'll put a warning if you don't want to read it.

Also, I wrote like 3 stories that I ended up deleting before I finished this one. I don't know why I was having so much trouble writing, but II finally finished. 'll probably be finishing my other story before I continue doing these one shots, so if there isn't an update for a bit, I do apologize. 

Louis POV

I'm pacing back and forth in the massive ensuite in Harry and I's house. Liam is waiting in the bedroom for me to finish up. He's been pretty supportive and helpful, especially since Harry doesn't know I'm doing this.

For the past 3 weeks, every morning, I've been throwing up. Mostly it's been in secret, but Harry's caught me a few times, but I told him it was just something I ate. Luckily the times he caught me were pretty spaced out, so he doesn't suspect anything.

I knew it was possible. I was tested as a teenager, we all were. But honestly I didn't think I'd ever be a carrier. I didn't really care, but I never told Harry, as it never came up in conversation. I found out later I was gay, so there was risk of getting pregnant, but again, it just never came up in conversation with Harry, so I didn't think about it. Until now, I guess.

Suddenly my timer goes off. I shut it off quickly and I took a deep breath. As much as I want kids, do I really want them right now? And does Harry even want them at all? I don't know. Anyway, I take another deep breath and I turn over the stick.

Pregnant 6-8 weeks.

Fuck. I was not expecting to be pregnant, nevermind that far along. I'm overcome with emotions and anxiety about what Harry is going to think. But at the same time, I'm actually excited. There is a baby growing inside me. Gosh, that's weird to think about.

"Hey Lou?" Liam asks. "You good in there? I heard your timer go off."

I open the door to face him. He has a questioning look on his face, before I turn the stick to face him. It took him a minute to read it, but after he does, he pulls me into a hug.

"Congrats Lou!" When he pulls away from the hug and notices my emotionless face, he flips the switch a little. "Oh wait, is this not a good thing?"

"No, no, it is. I just don't know what Harry is going to think." I said.

"Oh Lou. I'm sure he'll be so happy." I look at him like he's crazy. "No seriously. Everytime he sees a baby or a pregnant woman, he lights up. It's kinda sweet actually. I think he'll be fine."

"Okay, but I need to make a doctor's appointment soon. I could be as far as 8 weeks along." He nodded and grabbed his phone.

"Alright I was researching doctors and there is one five minutes from here. I actually made you an appointment for this afternoon. Go shower and get dressed." I nodded and ignored the fact that he basically already figured I was pregnant and went to do as he asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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