Chapter 7

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Alexia's POV:

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Alexia's POV:

I was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Layla and Aria

"I don't think Lily and her friends like you very much" Aria said

I turned to see Lily and her so called friends glaring at me

I rolled my eyes at them and turned back around

"They could do whatever they want and I wouldn't give a damn" I said

Aria and Layla chuckled

"They're probably jealous that James like you now and has forgotten about Lily" said Layla

My eyes widen

"What no, he does not like me we're just friends" I said

"But friends don't look at friends that way" said Aria

I frowned

"Like what" I said

"He looks at you with love in his eyes" Aria says

Layla nodded

I chuckled

"You guys are being crazy" I said

"Does he actually look at me like that" I thought to myself

I shooked of my thoughts

James's POV

I standed up and was about to walk to Alexia but was interrupted by a voice

"Hey James" said Lily

Everybody got quiet and looked our way

These past days Lily has been very clingy

"Uh...Hi" I said

"About the day you asked me to hogsmead, I thought about it and yes I would like to go with you" Lily said

I was confused I never asked Lily these past weeks

"I nev-" Lily interrupted me

"Hope we have a good time" Lily said

Lily kissed my cheek

Some people cheered and clapped

I forced a smiled but inside of me I felt disgusted.

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