Captain Jack Sparrow #3

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       "There there, shhhh shhhh daddy's got you, daddy's got you." Jack cooed to little Helena as she cried and cried, I was holding her brother Andrew who was crying just as much. It as the middle of the night and our little ones were awaken by one of the crew members who knocked down a stack of boxes below deck.

  "Bloody hell, our poor babies can't get a wink of sleep around 'er." I said frustrated as this has happened many times before. Our sweet little five month old's needed there rest badly. 

"I know love I know, shame." Jack said as he patted out little girl softly on her back. 

"Maybe there hungry, 'er hold Andrew for me." I said as Jack took little Andrew and took of my loose white top exposing my bare breasts, I motioned for him to give me the babies. I positioned myself so they could both feed, they latched on and began to suckle. Jack laid down next to me and watched with a warm smile on his face, entranced by his little ones and there power over him. After they were finished they still weren't interested in going back to sleep. 

"I have an idea (y/n)." Jack said with a smile, he scooped up the twins and placed them in there cribs.  

"Now, just how am I to get you two to sleep Hmm? A story perhaps? How about the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow eh? Some time ago, I found myself in a rather rough spot when five Spaniards bonded me and took to there captain............" 

  Jack leaped up and started acting out his fantastic stories  much to the twins delight. They giggled and smiled as there daddy jumped around acting silly. I watched as he did this laughing myself, I could not ask for a better father for our babies. 

  "And that is how, I, your dad, became king of the Aztecs. Goodnight my little ones, sleep well." He pressed a kiss to each of there little heads and came back to bed and we cuddled up. 

 "You are an amazing father Jack, you really are. I love you." 

"Thank you love, and I love you to." He pressed a kiss to my head and we drifted off to sleep.

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