Chapter 1

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Harry James Potter was bored board was an understatement ever since he became master of death he washed over eons or centuries the lives of humans and matter how many times he tried he could no longer escape the fate that he is now chained to Death and becoming his one and only master that death refuses to let go. Harry just sighed as he was about to go and do his duties as Master of death. Which was reading and signing the countless numbers of Dead Files of The Mortals around the entire universe only to stop when he heard.

"Please someone help me..." this made Harry's Immortal heart freeze in shock and fear. This is the first time he ever heard a cry for help that sounded so similar to when he was just a child. There was no way he was going to ignore the cry for help so Harry James Potter allowed his saving people tendencies to lead him towards the cry of help only to be in shock and anger and what he saw.

There nothing in this white void was a small black skeleton that was severely injured laying in a pool of blood and hearing these voices calling this poor soul. That he's useless, that he's a murderer, that he's a worthless glitch, and Go back to work on destroying Au's. Seeing this sent calm and collect Harry James Potter the master of death into a rage.

Let it gets his presence to be known to the voices that were insulting this poor child. This shut them up immediately as they cowered in fear knowing that the master of death has entered their domain. They can tell by his aura that he was Furious and what he was seeing. Quickly making his way towards the injured skeleton. Making sure he doesn't startle the poor child any further Harry allowed his magic to carefully heal him from all the injuries that he sustained.

Few minutes before Harry answered Error's call for help

"Ink, what is the meaning of this?" The destroyer asked the creator. Well, this doesn't happen every day. Error was genuinely confused. Did he just create this AU to fight him? Probably.

"Your rain of terror ends today, Error!" Ink yelled back at him. Why does he think he can suddenly just kill Error? After all of the fights

they had if Error was normal he would had dusted. But he's not normal, he would have thought Ink would have figured that out by now.

"Why do you say that?" Error asked emotionlessly. Before Error knew it,

Hundreds of Papyruses and Sanses teleported or made a portal behind Ink. Error only sighed, he knew that he would survive this. But, he would end up with a whole ton of deadly injuries.

"Attack!" Ink commended the Sanses and Papyruses. The fight lasted for a solid hour before things got more brutal.

Error knew that he would be overwhelmed by the hundreds of skeletons. He was defending on basically all sides. He was unprepared for a Sans to come OUT of the ground and hit him from behind. The hit was powerful and send Error flying forward and hit the ground multiple times before stopping. He tried to get back up again, but unfortunately, another Sans steps on his spine, preventing him to stand up.

After that, Error knew that he was screwed. He ended up with multiple bones sticking out and burn marks from gaster blasters by the end of it. Error knew Fate was probably laughing their ass off right now. He had an idea to wipe that smile off the cruel being's face. He suddenly smirked at the thought of it.

He finally got up and ripped out a bone that was stick in the middle of his skull and came out the back. The action made a few monsters take steps back from him. He dropped it on the ground and held back a scream. Error had multiple broken bones on his body. At some point in the brutal beating, he had yelled and screamed out for mercy.

Now, there was a hole in the middle of his skull, front and back. He opened and a portal to the anti-void and jumped through it. Error closed the portal behind him. The second he did the voice were screaming at him.

Just go die already!

Your such a freak, a worthless freak!

Why can't you just die!!





Error only thought was 'Please anybody help me!' only for a wave of warmth and comfort to wash over him. His wounds started to heal and the pain fades away. The agonizing pain that Fate had trapped him in, was gone. Slowly Error opened his eyes only for them to widen in shock in seeing a... Gaster that wasn't in the void taking a better look this Gaster seems it was reapertale. Though this Gaster seems different, his magic is a light emerald green color when most Gasters have either blue or orange or purple.

Error could only stare at this Gaster with a bit of caution, suspicion, and weariness since he still has the phobia of being touched by others. That's when he noticed that he wasn't glitching out as badly when this, gaster slowly caressed his cheek. Blushing bright yellow Error couldn't help but melt that the contact. It was nice and warm as he let out a pleased sigh. only flinch when he noticed that he was being hugged for just one moment. As he started to calm down when the gaster held him closed and rubbed his back like a father will do for their child and set in a deep melodious voice. "It's okay my child you're safe no one can hurt you ever again."

For the first time in a millennium, Error felt safe wanted even cared for. He started to cry as he held on to gaster like a lifeline as he finally releases the tension that he's been building up ever since he woke up in the anti void. Becoming the puppet of fate, the destroyer of the Multiverse. Error didn't know how long he was crying as he finally released the tension that he built up for so long. Just crying and being held in the arms of an unknown Gaster, as the strings of Fate finally were destroyed from him setting him free. Slowly Error started to realize that he was so tired his eyes were closing as he felt the gaster continue rubbing his back and saying. "It is okay my child you are free, you will no longer be tied to Fate any longer once you wake you will find a new purpose in life you will be truly free and happy."

With that peace just said Errors entire body started to fade and become a golden orb as Harry held the orb close to his chest once again and said "you're finally free Error." Smiling at the golden orb and letting go. The orb floats away into the stream of multiple Souls. Hoping that death will grant this little one a life that was worth living. Smiling as he could no longer see the golden orb that was once Error the forced God of destruction, the Destroyer of the Multiverse. Harry, just smirked as Fate had no idea what the master of death had just done. Releasing her puppet and Condemning this Multiverse to collapse on itself due to the creator not knowing of the balance.

Letting out a chuckle that soon turns into a sinister laugh. Harry's face turns to Something truly sinister and evil that will make one Tom Marvolo Riddle proud or any dark lord really. as he glared at the voices that were now silent And cowering away somewhere in the anti void and said "now to deal with you pests!" as his body slowly morphed into a replica of Error. But he was taller than the original, as Harry's clothes style is completely different. He now wore a black hooded trench coat. In addition to his coat, he has the symbol of the Deathly Hallows designs on his sleeves. he wears grey jeans with a black belt along with thick leather combat boots. No longer wearing a shirt or anything to hide his bare chest or ribs showing off the brand mark of the Deathly Hallows. That glowed an ominous emerald green in the middle of his chest.

All that could be heard in the anti-void was the screams Of Agony and pain of fates little voices that one's tormented error to no end.

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