Vanoss x reader Fluff = cakes

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(Y/N) thought it would be cute to make some cakes for Evan for when he came back from hocky. You thought it would be a sweet treat. You just couldn't decide which flavour though, an idea popped through your head, chocolate honeycomb cruch with syrup frosting! A strange idea with a recipe which you have no clue how to make. In your eyes a simple chocolate cake mix with pieces of honeycomb and the usual frosting mix with syrup added in.

---------- 1 hour later ----------

You finished the last cake and everthing was perfect! You washed up all the used utencilles and placed everthing neatly away and just in time, your other half was back. Throwing his bag aside, he imedietly embraced you in a loving cuddle and kissed the tip of your nose. 

"Be right back" He promissed.

He ran upstairs, you ran up after him, going to get changed into your nightwear. Evan ran into the bathroom, most probably going to get a shower.

A few minutes later and you both were eating the sweet treats and you couldn't help but giggle when he managed to get frosting on his nose. 

You licked it off cat like and he kissed you, lips tasting of sryup flavoured frosting. This was an even sweeter treat.

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