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You cry in your room
We all heard a big boom
Ran upstairs
What we saw we couldn't bare
You were hanging from the ceiling
But I couldn't find how you were feeling
We try to wake you but we are to late
Why,how did I get to you
And now I'm blue,
Tears fall from my eyes
But you have already pasted bye
Now I'm at your grave it's been a year but everyone misses you.
Why,why did u do it
I found a note by the chair
It said if possible read in a year
So I am going to read it right here and now
"Dear family,
Why do u hate me , just why I never did no wrong I was a good precious child but you treated me like shit the only one who actually cares is the one who's at my grave and is crying while reading this but what ever I'm done I sick of the bullshit good bye."
I fell in the ground bawling
My eyes were like tidal waves that would never stop. and now your gone,gone for good :(

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