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Draco pov : sighing I looked at myself in the mirror. Tears welled up in my eyes causing me to turn away . My name is Draconia Lana Malfoy (pronounced Dray cone knee uh) But the world out side my room see me as Draco Lucius Malfoy. I wish i wasn't trapped in side this male body . I hate how masculine I look. I wish I could chop my own dick off and replace it with a vagina. I wish I could use a spell to make me have breast. I hate this fucking body  so much ! I looked away from the mirror And slid  down the wall Cryingi hare this body so much. I hate being a boy. I hope one day I will be able to be myself. One day. Mother walked in and frowned " Draco put on your suit now young man  "mother demanded me. I cried harder shaking my head "I AM NOT YOUR SON" I shout standing up " I am your daughter ". Mother shook her head " No Draco your just confused." She told me just as my door opened and father walked in I pushed past mother and ran to him crying my body shaking from the tears " Daddy mom said I'm confused ". Father glares at mother " shh princess your not confused how about you get dressed and me and you go shopping for a pretty dress for my little girl" he bent down and wiped my tears kissing my forehead " after we shop we can start your process of transitioning " he said smiling at me. Mother scoffed " Lucius he's confused he's a boy not a girl " mother said angrily. Like me being who I am pissed her off. " No narcissa haven't you listened shes our daughter who was born in the wrong body if you can't except her then leave. "

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