Welp, you're an enby

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I first learned about non-binary people after my friend brought up that they were non-binary. It was just briefly, I just brushed it off. I then heard it brought up again watching one of my favorite cosplay groups during quarantine. One of the members said that they were non-binary. After that, I decided to do more research on different terms in the LGBTQ community. I noticed that occasionally, I couldn't recognize myself in the mirror with my feminine style and long hair. So I decided to wear makeup. That just made it worse. I couldn't tell that my voice was my own anymore. I felt like someone else was talking. I then found out I was non-binary. I told my closest friend then that I was questioning and experimenting with they/them pronouns. After a while, I liked it. So, I came out to a few more friends. I cut my hair and started wearing masculine clothes. I had started looking like a man slightly. This upset my grandma and she told me that I was always going to be what I was born as and I couldn't change it. This hurt, but I still persevered to become happy as myself. I had originally started going by Shadow. After a few months, it didn't feel like it fit. I was still constantly being misgendered and dead named. It felt like a punch to the gut every time I was called pretty, a girl, she, my dead name. Anything feminine made me almost feel sick. I had support from my close friends. I found my new name, and ways to cope with being a masculine non-binary person and keep it secret from my grandparents. I now have a beautiful girlfriend and 2 friends that are super protective of me and I love them like family. So let me introduce myself. Hi! I'm Max. I am a trans masc non-binary person! I hope this helps you and that we can be friends!

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