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My name is Avelino, but some people call me Superman! I like to stay in shape and be active and the way I do that is sports,I love sports because I think it's just entertaining and really fun to do. I like all sports like basketball, baseball, track, and especially Football. I guess I'm pretty good at doing these sports. I love staying active and playing aggressive. I am good in basketball but only cause of my tallness and I can rebound the ball when someone shoots it. I can also get down the court fast because I'm fast. I am not such a good ball handler. The reason I am fast is because of track, track gets me in shape the most because it's just running and running. I like track because at the track meets I get to meet new people and win ribbons. I hate track practices though because it makes you sour. Football is my best sport, I do good at football because it is aggressive and I like being aggressive and hitting people! I can also run the ball too. The best thing about football to me is the hitting because I like hurting people. I like everything about it,the aggressiveness, the running, the drills, an just everything. Football is my best sport at of any other. I didn't grow up playing baseball so i don't really play it that much but when I do play it now I really get in to it and have fun. If there was a baseball team where I live I wouldn't mind to do it. I think sports is a big part of my life and other peoples life also because sometimes nobody has anything better to do than to sit down at home eat and play video games. I like doing that to but if I had to choose to play games or to go outside an play football or any sport, I would choose the sport. I grew up with my brothers Daniel, Josh, and Ruben which were always outside playing around,throwing the football, playing basketball, wrestling and all the athlete stuff so well I was a child I liked watching them play their basketball games, football games, an track meets I always thought to myself "I am going to be just like them, I am going to be an athlete," they are a huge inspiration to me although sometimes they are crazy retards that try to beat me up. My two older brothers Josh and Ruben always tell me about the stories when they were in sports in school and how they went to state for football and about all their awards from sports. They have so much awards and when I see them it's pretty amazing. I'm starting my award collection now that I'm in middle school. They always say to me "if your going to play a sport, you got to be committed and dedicated to it." I grew up in sort of a strict childhood and I was taught to be respectful to my teachers and coaches, I guess that's why my coaches like me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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