The She-Wolf Of Star Base 12

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Good  Evening  All My Sisters,  and Congratulations to my sisters for completing their novels and our thanks to our editor, Lucie Elizabeth Ann Wesson.We appreciate your help over at

 Lord Andrew Charles Howard had married Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell the one woman he would love for the rest of his life, but he find out that in the end that she would not take much guff from him and she would raise their children to be warriors of Odin and honor their ancestors where they got their start from Lady Joan de Cornwall and Lord John Howard so long  ago.

Lady Joan de Cornwall was the granddaughter of King John of England through his illegitimate son,  Sir Richard Cornwall and his mother was Joan De Vautort  and Sir Richard Cornwall married  Joan FitzAllan III, and his daughter  Lady Joan married Sir John Howard  and in 1309 Sir John II and  he had Lord Robert Howard who was born  in 1385-1436 and who grandson was Lord John Howard who was born in  1425 through his mother, Lady Margaret Mowbray, who the eldest daughter, Lord Thomas Mowbray  he became 1st Howard Duke of Norfolk.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard would fall for a quite ordinary young woman who wasn't an aristocrat and she didn't care to be one, but he pursued her and just to get rid of the pest that she called him when she first met him. She allowed him to enter her life.

Lord Andrew Charles was the most persistent young man Karissa had ever met. She called him a royal pain up her ass and he didn't understand her language.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard was educated at a Parochial School on Star Base 12, much like Radcliffe University for women on Planet Earth. It taught them their social graces and academics and not much more than that.  It didn't teach the young men about the art of love making  as in the care of Radcliffe University it only taught the young women how to pick out the right appliances, set the right table, and so froth. 

It didn't teach them the new language of slang or profanity that Karissa used quite often when Lord Andrew Charles was around her and she didn't care about it.

Lord Andrew Charles asked her what language she was speaking she told him "I talk English if you please and what language do you speak?"

"I speak English, but I have never heard English like you talk to before?" Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I am sorry you are so  ass-backwards Lord Andrew Charles." Karissa would tell him, but this still wouldn't stop him for pursing her.

Lord Andrew Charles follow her around and even travel out to Madame's Boarding House where they were have constant conflicts between each other, but he was still determined to win her somehow.

Lord Andrew Charles will later regret he didn't after he loses her to his first cousin thrice removed, Lord Richard William Carey, the great-grandson of his grandfather's sister, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard who married Lord William Carey.

Lord Andrew Charles was a persistent young man and he knew what he wanted and he wanted Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell.

Every day he would ride out to Madame's Boarding House to see her and she would greet him with coolness as she really didn't care or not if he came out to see her.

While they were talking he asked her what her one greatest wish was and she said, " I want a daughter who I can name Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane." 

"Why a daughter and not a son?" Lord Andrew Charles ask.

"I don't want a son Lord Andrew Charles. I would view him a pain up my ass." Karissa explains.

"Why do men want a son so damn bad Lord Andrew Charles?" Karissa asks.

"I really don't know. I guess it is because they carry on their father's surnames." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Oh! you don't think a daughter can do that." Karissa asks.

"Let me tell you something Lord Andrew Charles.  My daughter will be able to do anything a boy can do when she grows up. Even kick his damn ass in." Karissa tells him.

"She will do it better than any boy could ever do." Karissa states.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at Karissa and he starts to think in silence, "Now what if I was to give her a daughter. She would have to marry me and our daughter would become the First Duchess of Norfolk Territory after me.."

Lord Andrew Charles looks at Karissa and asks, " How would like to spend the weekend out with me at Balmoral Manor?"

"What do I have to do?" Karissa asks.

"I won't make you do anything that you don't want to do." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"My intentions are honorable Karissa. I am a gentleman." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"You are certainly that Lord Andrew Charles but how much of a gentleman you are remains to be seen." Karissa answers.

Karissa agrees  to spend the weekend with Lord Andrew Charles anyway.

Lord Andrew Charles and Karissa ride out in his carriage through the streets of Norfolk Territory and the people start to line the streets to see the son of their Duke.

He is after all the great-great-grandson of Lord Patrick William Howard who is a direct descendant of   Lady Joan de Cornwall and Lord John Howard.

They are very noble indeed as far as back King John I of England through his father, King Henry II of England and Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine.

 Lord Andrew Charles stands up in the carriage and he waves to the people and he helps Karissa to stand and tells her to wave and she just stands there and he tells her, " You will become the next Duchess-Consort of Norfolk Territory." 

"We will see Lord Andrew Charles Howard.  I have not agreed to marry you and I will not a marry a man  who doesn't give  me a daughter first.'" Karissa tells him.

"You give a tall order to any man Karissa. Now what man can guarantee you a daughter?" Lord Andrew Charles asks her.

"What man did I give a promise that I would marry him without a daughter first." Karissa explains.

"I will be fair and give  a man a second try to give me a daughter. I will not marry him until a daughter is born." Karissa tells him.

"I need a legitimate heir Karissa to succeed the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"You better start to pray to whatever Deity you believe in to give you a daughter." Karissa tells him.

"You get two tries Lord Andrew Charles, and I don't give three tries like in baseball and one gets three strikes in your out of the old ball game." Karissa tells him.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at Karissa and she is solemn face and serious as a heart attack.

It has taken Lord Andrew Charles four years to find the woman he loves and he is no about to lose her, but he does anyway in 2299.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard Duke of Norfolk TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now