Miss Kim ㅡ 9

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I just got home from school and my work.

Now, I'm preparing the left out foods from the fast food chain for my dinner tonight. Bambam always gave me the left out foods, he also know my situation and I'm grateful to him for understanding me if sometimes I'm late to work.

Nothing really happened in my afternoon class it went well as usual, Jennie didn't talk to me, she didn't even look at me, which I'm actually thankful for, because it made my buddy to behave.

I don't really want my classmates to know that I have a dick, and Kim University skirt was pretty short for my liking. So, having a boner with a skirt was not really a good idea.

When I'm done eating my dinner and cleaning the kitchen, I proceed to my small living room to do my assignments and study maths, Miss Chou subject and Science,  Mr Kim subject.


The next morning I woke up with a stiffed neck, and right now I'm groaning while walking beside Jisoo who's already eating chicken.

I didn't realized that I fell asleep while studying and when I woke up my neck hurts a lot.

"You should've do your assignments in bed so when you fell asleep, at least you're already in your bed ready to dream of Miss Kim." She teased.

I quickly slapped her shoulder and looked around, "Yaaah! Will you lower your voice, someone might hear you." I scold.

"There's actuallyㅡ" She trailed of. "No, I think most of the students here have a crush on Miss Kim, so, it's not really a big deal if someone might have heard me." She hissed.


"Whatever." She rolls her eyes and continued eating her precious chicken. "Anyway, don't overworked yourself too much."

I nodded, "Yes, Chu, I won't." I replied.

"I'll see you later at lunch, here's my room." She bid.

Jisoo's not my classmate in my morning class, we only have two subject together and that's my afternoon class with Mr Kim and Miss Kim.

And so my morning class started with me who's already in the verge of sleeping.

When lunch time came Jisoo already ordered food for the both us. She's the one who always buys my food here in school. And sometimes when she visits me in my apartment she always make sure to buys groceries that's enough for the whole month.

Well, Jisoo was always making sure to visit me at least once or thrice a month to make sure I still have foods to eat.

At first I declined her but then, she made a deal with me which is I'll be her driver, I'm going to fetch her and drive her from school and home. Also, the reason why I'm the one who's using her car.

She has three cars, so, when she wants to go somewhere she didn't need to call me.

Jisoo was not really available always when she's outside the school since she's also starting to help her parents business and her few time left will be spent with Rosé, I'm not actually complaining since I have more time with her in school.

"Chu, are you that hungry?" I giggled when I saw that she ordered a lot of foods.

"Nah, my chipmunk will join us for lunch today." She replied.

"Ohh, I see. Where is she?" I asked.

"She's on her way."

I just nodded and was about to start eating when two students approached me. "Miss Manoban, Miss Kim wants to meet you in her office." One of the student said as they bowed their head.

I gulped and looked at Chu. This is the first time that she called me in her office.

Am I failing her subject, too? But I'm hundred percent sure that I always do her given assignments and I'm sure that I've passed her every test.

I thanked the two students before getting up from my seat.

"When Rosé came don't wait for me, okay?" I told Jisoo.

Jisoo nodded, "Will you be okay?"

"I'll just update you." I winked and left.

Miss Kim office was a little far from the cafeteria, she has her own office hereㅡ perks of being one of the owner.

When I'm already outside her office, I was about to knock when suddenly the door opened, revealing Mr Kim with a red cheeks, and a face full of rage.

Looks like they had a fight.

"Goodnoon, Mr Kim." I greeted but he just walked past me, not even bothering to look at me.

I just shrugged my shoulder and went inside Jennie's office. When I'm already inside the door suddenly locked itself.

"Good afternoon, Miss Kim." I greeted and bowed my head as a respect.

And when I looked up at her she's smiling while sitting at the couch unlike Mr Kim who's face was raging.

"Lisa, you're here, come on, please take a sit." She motioned the space beside her.

'Eh? Lisa? What the hell happened to her?' I wondered.

I'm pretty sure yesterday she's avoiding me but what's happening right now?

I'm contemplating whether to sit beside her or just take a sit on a single chair. But, since, I'm a sucker for her, I end up sitting beside her.

As I sat down, her smile went wide, and I don't know what's behind that smile. I think in this kind of situation I would prefer to see her stoic face.

"Uh- you called for me, Miss Kim?" I bravely asks.

"It's Jennie when we're both alone, Lisa." She corrects me.

I just nodded my head and start lowering my gazed, my heart actually beating rapidly and I'm trying to stop my knees from shaking.

"Hey, Lisa, it's just me, no need to be scared of me and we are both alone here."

And that's what I'm afraid of, being alone with her, because I know I'll just end up embarrassing myself.

"Sorry, Miss Kiㅡ I mean, Jennie." I said, meeting her gazed this time.

"It's fine, have you eaten your lunch already?" She asked.

I shake my head, "Not yet, Jennie," I replied.

She showed me her gummy smile again, "Good, I've cooked my lunch today and it's kinda a lot."

"Ohh, no need, Jennie, really, Jisoo alreadyㅡ"

"I don't care, you'll eat with me whether you like it or not." She said sternly.

"Why not invite your boyfriend instead?"

"He's my ex already, I just found out this morning that he's the one who drugged me. He even lied to me when I confront him yesterday." She explained.

I gave her a sad smile and hold her hand before squeezing it softly. "I'm sorry to hear that, Jennie."

Actually, I'm only sorry because Mr Kim hurt her but I'm not sorry that she already broke up with him. In fact, my heart swelled hearing the news.

'But that doesn't mean, you have a chance on her.' Anddd that's my mind who loves to ruin a precious moment.

"Naah, it's fine," She smiled and squeezed my hand back.

Eh, for a girl who just got out from a two years relationship she sure is not affected with the breakupㅡor maybe she's just faking it?

"So, will you eat lunch with me today? You can have all the time with your girlfriend later." She pouted.

I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head, "Girlfriend?"

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