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(Songs:Imagine by Ariana Grande
Love me Harder by Ariana Grande ft the Weeknd
Fetish by Selena Gomez
Let me by Zayn Malik)

Author's Pov

"Take me Sin...   .. Claim me yours in every possible way..

Because Heaven just not only desired the Sin but She needed to be the his for forever.. "

Heaven breathed out against his lips and than slightly pulled back and looked into his eyes which were already staring at her but there was no anger or rage was present inside with them but just completely filled with that certain kind of emotion which made her heart to started beating more faster..

They both stared deep into each other eyes like freezing the time around them until..

"Do you even know what you're wanting... Heaven...? " He asked with his raspy calm voice making a little smile to crept on her face hearing his question.

She cupped his cheeks and whispered.

"I know what I exactly desired Sin.. Because I just not only want you I need you...

My mind, my heart, my soul, every inch of my skin needs you  in every possible way.... And I am not ashamed to accept it in front of anyone..."

She spoke looking straight into his eyes but her heart skipped a beat watching the corner of his lips to pulled upward forming a smirk on his face but not a evil or cunning one, it was intoxic and dangerously irresistible ..

He grabbed both of her wrists and pinned them over her head a little firmly and leaned his face closer to her ,brushing his lips against her making her entire body to tingled..

"You'll be the end of me my little Vexin... " He whispered over her lips while brushing them with his lips.

"And I promise I'll take that end on my fate.. Sin... " She replied making him to stopped in his action and than slightly pulled back .

He darted his eyes towards her and found her to already gazing into him and it was evident in her beautiful doe eyes that whatever she said she meant it with her everything... That she would take his end over her without thinking for twice...

His eyes started roaming on her entire face from her mesmerizing grey eyes to her beautiful luscious lips which were making him to crossed every level of his temptation..

And a shiver ran down her spine when she found his eyes to again turned dark with lust, desire and hunger making her heart to started beating 100 times more faster..

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