Chapter nine- I Think Youve OverStayed Your Welcome.

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The ten of swords. I glanced up. My eyes met the concerned mothers eyes before glancing to look at the other card in the little girl's hands. My breath hitched as I saw the devil card sprawled out in her hand. Both of these cards were negative, and I never would have suspected them to both be pulled. Something bad is coming, and I am not particularly excited to find out.

Shaking my head, i smiled at the little girl, hoping to ease her panic a little " Don't worry child, these cards are for me, they don't represent you so there is nothing for you to fear.'' I thought for a second before reaching into the pocket on my left leg pulling out a piece of paper. I glanced at her, seeing the curiosity shine in her eyes as her mother stood behind her, equally interested. I looked back down at the paper in my hands before offering it to the little girl, who took it from me and looked at me curiously, i just smiled and pulled out another piece of paper and a pen, scribbling something on it for a moment before I stopped.

"Dp you know how to make a bird out of paper?" I questioned, watching as the girl shook her head. "Well would you like to?" she nodded hurriedly bouncing on the balls of her feet as i chuckled. After a few moments of walking her through the steps, we both stood with our paper birds in hand

"Ok, there's only one thing left, ok?" she nodded, and i bent on my knees one last time and cupped her larger hands in mine, "ok, on the count of three, i want you to blow into this whole right here" i pointed at the hole where my two hands weren't cupped all the way, " and then you open your hands really fast, can you do that for me?" she nodded, and we both started counting down from three together

I glanced at her, noting how intensely she was focusing

I silently flicked my thumb, as noticeable as possible

We both dropped our hands and stared in amazement as our paper birds shot up into the air and started to dance and circle around us. The little girl was a giggling mess as one of the birds came up to her and took a strand of her hair in its mouth and continued to fly around her, leaving the girl laughing out loud, her face turning pink from how hard she was laughing. People on the streets stopped what they were doing to watch the scene unfold and I could hear many of them laughing at the sight, including the girl's mother.

During all the excitement, I decided to slip out unnoticed. The farther I walked the quieter the crown got, until I was finally back near the entrance. The birds I made had a note to dream about and Wilbur, both telling them I was going home. The bird should make it to dream and wilb ur as long as nothing messes with them. I explained that I was just feeling a little sick, and that I would just come back another time for the supplies I needed.

I was really bothered by the cards that got pulled. I have never received a reading as dark as that before, and I know whatever is going to happen in the future can't be good. The tower card represent something changing in the future that only leads to something bad, and with the devil card, it means an obsession. These cards together can be good, but there's no telling what its trying to tell me exactly as these cards can be read a hundred different ways.

I continued thinking about the cards the rest of the walk barely even realizing I had arrived at my house after 20 minutes of walking. I sighed, trying to clear my mind before talking to techno. I opened up the front door, and was immediately overwhelmed with the smell of burnt... something...

I stepped into the house and looked around, a hand covering my nose and the other wafting infront of my face. The kitchen was destroyed, there where dishes everywhere, piles of plates and pots and pans in the sink, some type of gooey substance on the counter, and flour everywhere.

"Techno?" I called, looking around for the pink headed male. I walked into the sitting area, and low and behold sat a disgusting technoblade looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Techno," he shrunk down at my stern tone " what the hell did you make for the kitchen to be that much of a mess?" I question, wiping some stray flour off his face.

Technoblade looked at me and pointed to a single bowl on the coffee table. " cereal." He stated. I stared in disbelief. He made a mess that a tornado would be jealous of, for a bowl of fucking cereal? Tho ring my hands up in the air I turned around on the balls of my feet and started to walk towards the stairs. I was already upset, and now as I glanced at his heart, I realized just what exactly those cards meant. I didn't mean to storm off so suddenly it probably looks like I'm overreacting about a bowl of cereal, but I'm terrified I don't want to lose him as a friend over something so stupid as obsession.

"Where are you going?!?" Techno called after me, the sound of the couch being pushed back from him standing up so suddenly making its way into my ears. I ignored him, and continued walking with techno hot on my heels.

A firm hand was placed onto my shoulder, stopping me before I could start walking up the stairs. I glanced at him form the side of my eye. This motherfucker must be joking.

"Techno," my voice was cold, and my gaze lingered on his face for a second before looking forward " if you don't remove your hand in the next 5 seconds, be prepared to lose it." I glanced at him again, noticing the confusion on his face.

I'm agitated right now, the reason being? Those stupid fucking cards where right. I can see the obsession growing in his eyes, and it's not something I'm looking forward to dealing with. The best option would've trying to convince him to go back with Phil when he comes over tommorow.

"One," he didn't not remove his hand.

"Two" I moved my hand to my thigh, gripping the handle of the curved blade I keep there.

"Three" I pulled it out, flipping it in the air before catching it in my hand, the glint of it flashing in the lights.

"Four" my voice got colder, and I raised the knife slightly in the air. Just as I was about to turn around, his hand let off of my shoulder, giving me enough room to turn to address his situation.

" techno, I think I understand what's going on here, and I hope you understand later on why I'm being so harsh right now. But I think it's best if you leave tomorrow with Phil tommy and tubbo when they get here.

Confusion washed over his face, and an odd glint flashed through his eyes, disappearing as fast as it came.

"Phil? And tommy and tubbo? How do you know them?" He questioned, immediately more interested in the conversation. " and more importantly, your asking me to leave?"

I looked at him, a dead look crossing over my face " im not asking you techno, it was more of a kinder way of telling you to start packing." I sighed, pinching two fingers on the bridge of my nose before I continued speaking "I pulled a bad reading from my cards, and I was hoping it wasn't true, but right now, as I look at your heart" I took a second to glance at it, seeing the little red twines of obsession tighten around it " I now see It is indeed true, and I don't want our friendship to be ruined over something as pitiful as obsession." I glanced at him one more time before spinning on my heel and up the stairs toward my room, leaving a dumbfounded technoblade to wallow in his thoughts

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