Chapter 9

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Emma opens up the door and sees David exercising: ,,Hey, guess what?". ,,What?" David approaches her. ,,Jessica is under arrest. She got what she deserved." Emma replies.

,,Nice!" David then pulls out a champagne from the fridge: ,,Wanna celebrate? I can get Luna over here.". Emma then laughed: ,,Sure, why not. LUNA!".

,,Yes?" Luna called from the hallways. ,,Jessica got arrested for what she did to me! Wanna have a party?" Emma leaves the door open as Luna entered.

,,Hey, Luna." David opens the champagne and then gets  a glass for everyone in the room: ,,You heard what happened.". Luna then laughed like a maniac: ,,She got arrested? Sheesh. I tried to talk her out of it but it didn't work out.".

,,Anyways, let's celebrate!" David and the others played music and they proceeded to dance.

It was bedtime, Luna went back to her own room. David and Emma went to sleep. ,,Are you glad that karma hit Jessica really hard?"  David asked her. ,,Yes, VERY HARD!" Emma replied before falling asleep.

,,Good night, Emma." David then fell asleep.....

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