Epilogue (additional ending)

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"Ok, that's it for my lesson." The professor said. It's been 2 years since the incident, Taehyung and Jimin have graduated from school and now they're in college. Both Taehyung and Jungkook takes literature major. 

"Bitch...you had no idea...I was so excited to go to college, I didn't know it was this hard??? I thought literature would be very easy" Jimin complains and sulks. "How do you not know that none of college majors are easy? All of them are hard obviously, it's fucking college, what do you expect?" Taehyung replies. 

"Can I copy your homework? Just for this lesson, I promise!! I really don't understand anything the professor is explaining.." Jimin said begging Taehyung. "Look Jimin, I'm not the sweet, soft, nice kid you used to know in high school...since..." Taehyung takes a deep breathe, "...since that day...I'm never the same again, I'm not as cold and short tempered as before but I still change."

"Also, all college materials are very important for your future, all the tasks given to you must be original from you, and don't underestimate literature professors, just one scan and they know if you plagiarised or not...you never learn your lessons from Ms. Vivienne in high school haven't you" Taehyung continues, almost sounds like he's threatening Jimin, but Jimin just smiles. 

Taehyung still can't move on from the incident that happened to him, it has been 2 years but he still can't forget about it, actually, the only thing he can't forget about is Jungkook. He doesn't care about his parents, his parents are in jail for 7 years, and he doesn't feel bad, the only thing he's still having a hard time to get over is everything about Jungkook, especially the memories. He's still having a hard time if he needs to talk about the incident because it reminds him of Jungkook. 

It's already the afternoon, almost night. "I'll be home late alright...I'm going out for a drink.." Taehyung said. "Tae, you've been drinking almost all the time, you really need to stop, it's not good for your health..." Jimin warns Taehyung, but he just shrugs it off, not listening. Almost every night, Taehyung will always go out for a drink, but he rarely gets very drunk, he's aware and can control how much bottles he can drink, so he will end up feeling slightly dizzy, but still conscious. 

This night, he's not really drunk, but clearly he doesn't walk straight anymore, people can tell he have been drinking. He goes to wherever his body takes him and finds himself in front of his high school building. He goes inside, fortunately the guards don't see him. He sits down in the open basketball field, where Jungkook used to practice. 

He looks up the sky and sees the stars and moon. He looks at the moon and see the star beside it. "you're not there...where are you?" Taehyung mumbles to himself, he doesn't find the brightest and biggest star next to the moon, or anywhere, he doesn't see Jungkook today. It's the first time, he's always looking at the stars, every single day since Jungkook left him to see if he keeps his promise, but today, Taehyung doesn't see him. 

"You break your promise Jungkook....after 2 years, I guess you have forget about me..." Taehyung just smiled, takes a deep breathe and sighs. "God...you really need to move on Tae...you can't ruin your life like this..." Taehyung reminds himself, although he knows it's impossible. 

"Move on...? Then I think I came here all for nothing right?" A guy's voice said from below him. 

He turns around to see Taehyung, stands up and walks towards him. "Are you really going to ruin your health like this Kim Taehyung? You need to keep yourself healthy, for your future boyfriend right in front of you here..." The man jokes and smiles widely. 

Taehyung looks very surprised, he slaps his face a few times, "Holy shit...fuck Kim Taehyung!! Get yourself together!! Stop hallucinating!!" He keep slapping himself until the man holds his hand. His hands are warm and soft, he's a human being, he's alive, he's a real person. Taehyung can feel his pulse near his wrist. 

"Jeon...Jungkook...I know someday you'll be back" Taehyung says, jumps up and hugs him tightly. Taehyung can't help it, his tears are running down, Jungkook hugs him back, "It's very hard finding you Taehyung, I miss you too so much..." he says, trying to hold back his tears. They look at each other with soft eyes, "What took you so long Jungkook, you don't know how much I'm struggling.." Jungkook wipes Taehyung's tear and caress his hair, "I'm sorry, it was very challenging to find you..." 

"but now that I have, I will never leave you again, I will forever be with you, just together with you.." Jungkook continues. 

"You will forever be my eternal love, Kim Taehyung"

"And you will be my one and only love until my next life, Jeon Jungkook" 

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